Take it please and ill love you forever. =)

May 17, 2005 19:19

1.) whats your full name?

2.)do i know you?

3.)are we good friends?

4.)do you find me attractive?

5.)would you ever consider going out with me?

6.)do you live near me?

7.) Do you want to live near me?

8.)do you have my number?

9.)would you give me your number?

10.)would you kiss me?

11.)what was your first impression of me?

12.)do you have feelings for me?

13.)would you take me home for the night?

14.)would you make out with me?

15.)would you ever cuddle with me?

16.)wut would you do if i told you i like you(more then a friend?)

17.)would you have sex with me?

18.)give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?

19.)what would you do if i told you i love you?

20.)ever wanted to tell me something but couldnt?

21.)would you ever drive 3 hours to see me just for 1?

22.)If i was crying my eyes out what would you do to cheer me up?

23.)would you ever stick up for me?

24.)if you could give me anything in the world what would you get me and why?

25.)would you die for me?

26.)what is the most romantic thing you would do for me?

27.)would you cry for me?

28.)what is the one thing you would do just to be with me?

29.)what is the sweetest thing you can think of right now?

30.)would you lie to me?

31.)would you like to have fun with me?

32.)would you hold my hand in public?

33.)would you dress up with me?

34.)would you shower with me?

35.)would you let me take you out for dinner?

I love you mike =)
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