Nov 13, 2005 15:42
Here's the second update of the day... why this week is going to be so amazing! (go to my first update today and answer the question...)
Sunday (today)- reading and coffee with lisa, then family dinner. I'm learning to appreciate those more and more. Then desperate housewives, I love that show.
Monday- I'm working with gannon and tina jane backstage to run the talent show dress rehersal from 2-6. First back stage work in a while, I do love that side of theater. It (along with ellie) have inspired me to work on the set for one act too! The dress rehersal will be tedious but fun. Its a backstage pass and totally worth it.
Tuesday- Auditions for one act with kevin. Wish me luck! I am so excited...
Wednesday- Callbacks for one act. This will only be a good day if I get called back, lol. No counting cards early, you know?
Thursday- I'm going to a play in ann arbor for sure with gannon. Hopefully ellie and kevin will ride up with us!
Friday- First is the National Honor Society's first annual euchre tournament. It's going to be so much fun, and worth 2 points. Talent Show! It's going to be really great this year. The M.C.'s are great and the talent is phenominal!