(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 16:19

I feel the urge to update, but that's only because I'm bored. I'm supposed to be having an online meeting with lisa, but she's not here.

I'm in one of those moods: You know, the one where you are extremely mellow. You are tired but don't seem to care. Your head hurts, but your not angry. The clouds are out and the wind blows, and all you can see yourself doing is standing or lying in the middle of a field, looking up at the sky and not thinking. Not thinking at all, because you are tired of thinking and tired of resposibility and tired of work. You know that tomorrow you will wake up happy (not to say that you're sad right now), but for today, you'd rather just be. Some famous person of the past said: I Think, therefore I am. They were wrong. I am, therefore I think... and right now, I'd rather just be.

That's the mood I'm in.
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