Oh yeah, another one bites the dust. People shoot at each other all the time around here. Police helicopters are common as birds.
this time it isn't a gang member shooting a rival, or someone who didn't make the payment on their crack habit. It is a sweet, 97-year old woman who was killed in her home for no apparent reason.
Reading the story, I figured out which building it was. Then I saw a
photo that confirmed it. You can't quite see my front door in the background. My building is two doors away. I have friends in this building.
I always figured that it was so difficult to get into the big apartment buildings that they would be the last place that this sort of attack would happen. But the Van Buren is pretty secure; you can't get in the front door without assistance, and you can't move around in the elevators without a code. But it happened here anyway. My building is less secure in many ways (but more so in one way; my building is built around an interior court; you can't move anywhere without being visible to absolutely everyone).
Most of the time it is a nice neighborhood, by the lake, with friendly neighbors and lovely streets. But every once in a while, we hear about this.