I have full internet access here in the villa in Spain. So nice.
I'm on a dream of a vacation right now. I wish all the people I would invite to my perfect little corrie village could be here with me right now!
It's really wonderful to be here with Lindsey. We had a whole day in Paris together on Saturday. I saw Notre Dame, the Louvre, The Arch de Triumph, the Eiffel Tower and more. Breathtaking.
Malta was such a great week. The people who were at the conferece were amazing. I was inspired in so many ways and spent pretty much the whole week just dreaming and dreaming of all the possibilities of things I could do after I graduate. The list is getting pretty long...
Here are a couple photos of Malta Madness:
These two girls are one of the main reasons I went. They're my ducklings.
And here is my little house church group about to have communion. My favorite thing ever. I loved them! I have a weird look on my face...I must have been saying something extremely intelligent to my dad or something...
Just you wait until you get to see the glamour shots we took in paris!
love, me