Warning: 2 squicky images under the cut.
The video from BBC site is here.
I don't know if it will play for overseas viewers, if it doesn't people have already posted it to Youtube
Now onto the squeeing: EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! It just looks - WOW! It looks a lot darker and edgier than the last series and I can't wait.
Some things that have caught my attention.
#0.00 - Is this London or Cardiff?!
#0.07 - Snazzy new title, I like it.
#0.10 - Dark and seemingly deserted Hub. I love this set :D
#0.11 - *shrieks, does cart-wheels and pulls
erin-giles' hair until I get her attention* LOOK!!!! Injured Ianto!!!! And he still looks bloody adorable!
#0.12 - Pensive Jack looking pretty.
#0.22 - Loving the Coat part 1
#0.30 - Creepy, robotic, alien kids who have a far nicer uniform that I ever had.
#0.31 - Look at Jack's clothes. Anyone else curious? My pet pterodactyl ate my homework greatcoat. On the other hand, I like Rhys' smart outfit.
#0.33 - Insert Smutty Comment Here. You know it made me laugh. *leaves brain in gutter*
#0.37 - NOOOO! Some evil bastard tries to kill Gwen. *sets Rhys-the-Rant onto them*
#0.39 - Evil Bitch who likes blowing this up. She does have one redeeming quality though, look at those shoes. *Wants the boots*
#0.40 - Running. Gotta love the running.
#0.44 - Well whatever the hell they're looking at, Jack doesn't look unhappy. Please let it be Ianto in a towel.
#0.48 - Loving the Coat part 2
#0.49 - Loving the Coat part 3. Bonus giggles for the fluffy hair.
#0.51 - More Rhys :D
#0.53 - BOYKISSING!!!!!! *flails*
#0.53 - *still giddy*
#0.54 - Less than a second of footage should not make me this happy *happy Kermit dance*
#0.54 - The Torchwood- plus random dude- sprint team.
#0.54 - How to put somebody off their food.
#0.56 - KickAss!Gwen
#0.59 - Somehow I missed this the first six times I watched the trailer. I only spotted it when I was going through it taking caps.
#0.49 - A bribe for
erin-giles. *sits patiently and waits for her to write Ianto in a towel*
#1.00 - Edit number 2, this is why I shouldn't do things late at night. My input into the 'Who is this poor bastard?' debate. Quite a few people have suggested that this and
#0.54 are Jack. Personally my money is on it being the bitch with kick!ass boots. It gave a very girly scream when it woke up and it looks like it is wearing boots. Look at the right hand side. Also, if that is Jack he has very skinny legs.
No pterodactyl or weevils that I spotted, but this looks like it's going to be an amazing series. Now they just need to hurry up and air it!
And because I can, I'm going to end the post with a bigger picture XD