Torchwood - Children of Earth: Day One Spoiler Review Thing

Jul 06, 2009 23:40

Let me start by saying that this episode was so awesome I've downloaded it from the iPlayer. Twice. Once for my MP4 and once for the laptop.


I think that's a big enough warning ;)

Here's some of the things I remember from the episode.

* Ianto's little impish grin when Gwen and the doctor called them a couple made me grin so much. He's so cute!

* Jack and Ianto in the hospital. Love the morph from "concerned neighbours" to We need to cut open the dead guy, Torchwood Agents.

*Gwen: [To Jack] Don't you dare call [Martha], she's on her honeymoon.

YAY! Martha married Tom! Though, damn. There goes my chance of seeing that happen in a Doctor Who episode.

* Jack: I hate the word couple.
Ianto: "Me too."

Ianto Jones you are a LIAR! Once more kudos must be given to GDL and his acting skills; he says so much without saying anything at all...Yes, there is a Ronan Keating song in there somewhere. ;)

* There are currently four programmes running on my laptop- Firefox, iPlayer Desktop and 2 documents linked to the fic I was trying to finish about Gwen and Rhys' daughter. Psychic PinkFairy XD

* Rhiannon interrogating Ianto about Jack is still making me smile. I need to watch that scene again.

* You just know Owen is laughing at Ianto right now for losing the car. Anybody else get countrycide flashbacks?

* They got me with the doctor. I thought he was going to be one of the good guys.

* Not much Rhys in this episode but I loved what little of him there was.

* Ianto: Where are you going?
Jack: Now who's a couple?

Jack really doesn't like the whole couple thing. *pets Ianto*

* Why I love Ianto reason #172 - Giving Jack a hug because he died. Hands up, who went SQUEEE! *raises hands*

* Why I love Ianto reason #173 - Jack having to literally throw him out of the Hub to make him leave. I'm coming back to this, don't worry ;)

* I knew about Jack having a daughter & a grandson having come across a newspaper article online months ago- cue one unhappy pinkfairy727 who wanted to remain spoiler free. I wish I didn't know this before hand but watching my sister's face when it clicked who Alice was - priceless!

* My sister gave me a running commentary through bits of the episode, most of which consisted of her laughing at 'We are coming!' That girl should write smut considering how much time her brain spends in the gutter.

* NOOOOO!!!! My wireless just died in the middle of downloading the episode!!!! *hits modem* STOP DOING THAT!!!!!

* One word to describe the kids- creepy. Three words- really bloody creepy! A phrase- Really bloody creepy and why do those kids get nice uniforms when I got icky jumpers that were either green (and not a nice EIRE football shirt green) or black (which made me look ill)?

* Wireless has come back and download has recommenced. *sighs with relief*

* Ianto: [To Rhiannon] It's not men. It's just him. Only him. - Bet you a tenner that turns up in a fic over the next 24 hours. *grins soppily*

* Ianto "I Know Everything" Jones makes an appearance. Today he is teaching us about the most popular languages on the planet.

* Gwen talking with Clem was really sweet. That man has the potential to break my heart.

* Tosh invented the Gizmo. Fact. Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind about that one.

* Ianto: Congratulations. Would now be a good time to tell you I lost the car?

Ianto Jones how I have missed thee.

* For a few minutes I kind of regretted having fajitas just before Torchwood started. Red goo on screen immediately after red food for tea was not my finest moment.

* On Friday 10th July at 22.00 GMT I will be ordering the new Torchwood soundtrack when I can no longer be spoiled. The music at the end when Jack is kicking them out of the Hub...Ben Foster take a bow.

* Finally, the kiss. Uh...what can I say... how about SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE TRAILER!!!!

And, because I love you guys so much, I have pretty pictures of Jack and Ianto for us to look at.

And now, the all important question. Is it time for Day Two yet?!

television: torchwood, fangirl, pinkfairy: kermit dance of glee

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