Mar 10, 2005 18:13
Today, last week, last month...just one thing after another.
Every time I get a pay check, I have to spend something unexpectedly because I suck at life and my dog is a hell-raiser. For example, the bleach spot on my floor, the pieces of lenolium torn up, the brand new glasses I had for 3 days before they were destroyed, a shop vac that wasn't mine, DVDs, irreplacable home videos....That's all (and I'm sure there's more stuff that I can't think of right off the top of my head) the stuff that Bastiaan has destroyed. And then there's me screwing up...a speeding ticket and a $200 parking ticket that I got today. Story time!
I was on my way to class and had to stop by the post office to mail a book off that I sold online. As you all know, I don't have reverse so I had to park around the corner from the post office. Meanwhile, I'm on the phone, my hands are full and Bastiaan is trying to get out. I go in for 10 minutes tops and come back. Hopped back in the car and see the infamous yellow envelope under my windshield wiper. I'm thinking to myself, "No big deal, I know I didn't put a quarter in. I'll pay for it on the way". I get out and Bastiaan comes flying out the door. Thankfully, he got right back in. I take a look at the ticket...$200 for being in a hadicapped spot. I look to my right. Sure enough, there's a sign. Cue the waterworks and hyperventalating. I get home and call the number on the yellow piece of paper, trying to keep composure but can't help to tear up and squeak while I explain the situation to the nice lady on the phone. She tells me to come in and she may be able to help. I go in with Sam and this big hard-ass looking guy walks us to the back to his office. Yeah, he didn't seem like he was going to let me off the hook. He told me not to get upset...and then I got upset and started crying hysterically again. I told him that I was in a hurry to get to class, I wasn't paying attention and that I would never do such a thing because I work with the handicap. That caught his attention. Long story short: I got the ticket waived. God Bless Dan. Dan's the man.
I have to go now. More to come later.