Feb 08, 2005 13:46
Good news: Bastiaan's ears are fixed. You know how the vet said only surgery could fix them? And then I asked questions about it and they never gave me straight forward answers. So I took Bash elsewhere. What do they say? "These ear drops should clear it right up". And so far, it has. And it cost me about $150 less. A-holes.
In other news, I'm sick of all the drama. I can't wait to be home. There's no real need to elaborate. Drama is drama and I left it alone in high school. No, it has nothing to do with Mattoonians.
Also, I miss my dad. He left for Georgia on Sunday so he could be trained to be a railroad man. He'll be gone for a few weeks, come back for a few and leave again. Then when he's done with training, who knows how long he'll be gone.
I picked up more hours at work because Mary got fired. I liked her. It's sad to see her go. But I'm getting more hours which means more money and a fixed car.
And now to Logic. This class makes my brain mud.