Omigosh, I made a Sayid fanvideo. It's actually a little bit shocking. I didn't think I'd ever have anything to show for it... just because I lost a grand total of six hours editing time before I started saving with a paranoid frequency.
It's all about how ridiculously destructive Sayid is, and how he feels kind of bad about it sometimes. >.< But only sometimes-- he's usually too busy killing people with his feet to feel a lot of remorse. And somehow, nothing seems to detract from his overall awesomeness.
Mainly just Sayid, though there is some Frank, Ben, Mikhail, and Rousseau. And if you want to look at it a certain way, there're bits of Desmond/Sayid and Shayid. ^__~ Concrit = love!
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The song is Captain Bligh by Filter.
I'm so torn-- I might be able to see them in concert (they're playing in my city on the night of my sixteenth birthday)-- not that that wouldn't be totally awesome. It's just that I'll miss watching the two hour Lost finale (also playing on my sixteenth birthday). Which would be totally annoying.