I have been ill today, I have a cold and feel a bit crappy and so didn't go into classes today. It's actually kind of liberating as I feel completely justified in just sitting around in my pyjamas all day for once. My flatmate was very sweet though and brought me back a subway and chocolate to eat for lunch.
As part of my remedy plans I watched 'Its a Terrible Life' I must say it made me laugh a lot, which I always count as a very good sign for an episode!
The opening montage with Dean to the Well Respected Man song was very funny and LOL at Dean talking about weight loss plans. Jensen was looking extremely good this episode, much as I love scruffy Dean, having him clean shaven occasionally is delightful. I have to admit though that I can't stand suspenders, I always think they look ridiculous. I loved that they got a chance again to just be the boys that we all love for a little while though, without worrying about all the shit they've had to deal with recently. I liked Zachariah, he seems like an interesting character and funny!
I do wonder why Sam hasn't been mentioned at the end of the last two shows and I don't mean OH NOES SAM IS ALL FORGOTTEN ABOUT, just Dean has had these kind of exposition scenes 'talking stuff over' with the angels and if you think about it who does Sam really have to talk to at the moment? Dean? - he's not been very communicative himself recently and Sam knows he's only going to disapprove of anything to do with his powers. Ruby? - possibly but I'm not sure she is really a 'let's talk about our feelings' kind of girl. I feel that Sam is becoming somewhat isolated, probably intentionally on the angels behalf and unintentionally on Dean's and I wonder what the outcome of this will be.
Also I want to know what Sam's thinking after the last two episodes they were both pretty heavy and we have no idea how he's handling it all, but I'm sure we'll find out soon! (we'd better *frown*). I want to put on my Sam!Protection hat on for a moment, I saw a comment somewhere (can't remember now) about how it was nice to see Sam caring about Dean again - did you not SEE the last episode - EVERYTHING he did where his powers were concerned was to help Dean. Again Sam was isolated, didn't know what was going on and so did something a bit crazy (you see why I'm concerned about the future?), but I do believe that it was all because he was worried about Dean.
In conclusion, I love Dean - 'I'm going to do a public service and let you know that you over share.' I love Sam - 'Did you just call me Sammy? - Don't' and Dean drinking some detox water thing is a sight I never thought I'd see!
Sorry if this was a bit waffly :D
Have a great weekend everyone! <3