hmm.. I meant to post this over the weekend, but I spent the weekend catching up with my friends and my sleep in Manchester. Sorry I didn't comment on many peoples review posts, I just didn't have time.
So would it be fair to say that the reaction to the new episode was mixed? XD
I did read everyone's posts so it may sound like I'm answering some of the things other people brought up.
To start with I'll say that I spent most of the episode grinning like a loon, I really love the whole good against evil, angel against demon thing, I think that is because I'm a fantasy genre lover at heart and it's a classic fantasy premise.
Spoilers for 5.01 behind the cut. :)
Well this episode can mostly be summed up with the words - POOR WOOBIE SAM! I really felt sorry for him, he looked so crushed through the whole thing. While I understand that Dean is upset and since he has abandonment/rejection issues, I wasn't much surprised, I think the general feeling in the show that Sam did this awful thing on purpose is a bit unfair. The main theme seemed to be that Sam needs forgiving, but I don't think he really does (for himself maybe). Last season everyone was agreed that Lilith needed to die, even in the season finale Dean said "So how am I going to ice Lilith?" It was just how to do it that they disagreed on, and neither of them was willing to budge, which was where their problems came in, Sam didn't know that killing Lilith would release Lucifer and he was played pretty well by everyone to make sure that it happened. So, no Bobby, you don't get a medal for forgiving him for something he didn't mean to do, (but you're still awesome). I was literally whimpering when Bobby said what he said to Sam - HIS FACE! :( And then I almost literally cheered when I realised he was possessed. I was glad, the speech didn't really ring true to Bobby for me.
The scenes with Lucifer and Nick were all appropriately creepy, and I thought it was interesting that he used the sweet-talking method, whereas Zachariah used the torture-them-until-they-give-in method and see who ended up with the result! I really hope that Lucifer isn't going to be the average bad guy, it would be much better if his position had some merit, I want him and God to have a big showdown and then hug it all out ;D
Becky! She made me giggle so much! I know some people felt uncomfortable about it or thought it was too much, and I understand that. I don't really talk about fandom to many people, because they don't really get it and so you're embarrassed. But for those outside of fandom I guess it's just this interesting phenomenon and they have no obligation to not talk about it. Fandom can be kind of ridiculous, we all acknowledge that at times, so why not just laugh about it? Also I like how the most sympathetic characters towards Sam were Becky and Chuck, because who knows the real story better than them, right?
Oh! I was a little disappointed with the lack of apocalyptic happenings in this episode, so far they appear to amount to a plane crash, some freak weather and the swine flu. However Zachariah is still promising us horsemen and fire, so I'll be waiting for that! I thought it was funny when demon!Bobby said "He ended the world!" and I was a bit "errr....obviously not quite yet!"
All in all, why don't we all take a leaf out of Zachariah's book? "Let's just say it's all our faults and move on?"