May 12, 2005 22:51
DEAFinitely are sooo good!!!
As some of you might read my away message last nite and today. It says: Being CJ's biggest fan.
Meaning? My brother is an actor for a play called DEAFintely at RSD right now. The play itself is so funny and good. I was impressed with the crew and play.
*waving my hands* BrAvOoOoOo
ME ME ME was disappointed when my friend- Clayton didn't showed up at the play. I found out the reason like 1 min ago.
Laurette: didn't see u at play :(
Clayton: lol i knowww im pissssy u know wha happened haha
Clayton: i locked myself out of my car
Clayton: and finally got into my car at 650 ugh ugh
To Harvey: I don't know if you will read this but see why women are better than men! *wink*