[It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened, but it can't hurt to ask, right? It's possible that he's just been really quiet. Not likely, but still possible
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Don't be. He was probably sent back to where he belongs, so...it's good that he's not here, anymore. [She doesn't sound terribly sure of herself, but there you have it.]
[Light, this is not good.]
[He knows how hard it is to have a friend vanish.]
Don't be. He was probably sent back to where he belongs, so...it's good that he's not here, anymore. [She doesn't sound terribly sure of herself, but there you have it.]
He did say that he had an important task to complete, back home. Perhaps this is --
[He bites his tongue. 'For the better' is not a tactful thing to say to someone grieving, even he knows that.]
For the better.
I am sure it would have been...difficult, to choose between new friends and an appointed task.
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