Aug 31, 2005 13:49
Okay, once grandmother realized she would have to accompany me everytime she wanted me to take out the garbage she decided it was best I get acclimated to her dog. At first I fed Smokey with her further and further from the door. Then I fed him on my own. Now I am at the point where I am not scared of him any more. I even petted him. See everytime we go to the garage he jumps all over the place for attention. I think he is lonely out there by himself. Because of that I stay out there and pet him a little sometimes. Well now he has decided he loves me or something. I couldn't even bring in the groceries because he kept putting my hands in his mouth (I think he was trying to put his head under my hand and was missing) and he rubs against me like a cat does.
Well I am allergic to Smokey and he is covered in dander so the way he rubs up against me leaves me covered in dander and that sucks big time for me cause that ensures I will break out (among other things). Not to mention it means I am going to drag dander all over the house making the entire house allergy hell. So I decided to bite the bullet and brush the damn dog. I go out there and he runs up to me. And when I pick up the brush he runs away and hides! Its the same brush he gets baths with so I figured he thought I was gonna get him wet. I coaxed him from under the stairs and gently brushed him while rubbing his head. He still ran off...
I gave up. Well grandma went out there, brushed him, bathed him and didn't have any trouble. I suck, oh well. At least I won't have to deal with all that dander for awhile but even now I see it floating around in the air. Thats gonna suck for me in about an hour or so.