posting for the sake of posting. no really good reason- just that i haven't had an actual update in awhile...
so yeah i was going to go to bed last night when my mom told me to (2 am) but i didn't actually make it to my room til about a quarter to 3, and then i couldn't sleep for the life of me. so i started reading harry potter number 4. i read it for...::does math:: 6 hours. and i'm halfway through it. i never did get to sleep. after i read i was hungry so i went down and made breakfast then my mom said i had to babysit. so here i am...
perhaps my apathetic nature when babysitting my brother comes from the fact that my pay is equivalent to $0.00/hour.
or maybe i just hate people.
that's not true. i like some people. and because i am bored and it's a short list, i will list them. they are in no particular order, just whatever comes to mind. it will give me something to do anyways.
- patty
- eric
- brian
- greg
- trey
- richard, richard, and richard
- kyle
- taylor
- that friend of taylor that hugged me yesterday
- that friend of richard #2 that hugged me the day of trey's 1st show
- that friend of brian that hugged me- i have a thing for people who i don't even know that are crazy enough to hug a perfect stranger. it's great
- debrah
- carter
- chris
- robby
- the rest of you kids that are listed as friends on my lj that i haven't mentioned yet (i'm sorry if you feel non-special b/c i didn't mention YOU specifically)
- satan
- tony
- anyone who has ever given me a ride home (not like your parent's giving me a ride home, like you actually in control of the vehicle driving it on your own free will and driving me home on your own free will)
- mandie
- the quiet kids...
- mandie's brother who gave her squirrel hair for her birthday (i've never met him...but he scored points in my book just for doing that)
- that chick that sat behind me in math
- ahmed, too
- that chick that let me borrow some lotion that day after finals- i'm in eternal debt to you
- christie, hannah, lauren, christopher, and miles- you guys grew up with me. and even though you'll never read this- you guys are my friends. i wish you didn't all move without telling me your new numbers.
- bryan... how are the keys treating you? >_< not like you'll ever read this too.
- noelle- first friend i ever made when i moved to cobb county. haven't really talked to you lately...
- arkansas?
- meghan, eric, and rob. hope you guys are having fun at kell.
that's all i really feel like remembering right now. if i forgot you... i'm really sorry. slipped my mind. peace&love