I felt like making some icons of a different nature, along a different theme, so the next few posts will be of general, everyday objects/places/themes.
I felt I had a terrible block for such a long time because I was constantly making icons and graphics that depicted tv and film and the actors that starred in them.
So I have decided to go back to basics and nature, this feels very right to me to do this, as I haven't been inspired for some time to make anything, and I spent hours last night!
Also, so of these take me back to Cyprus and Germany, where I used to feel really at place going to outside cafes, ordering a latte, and reading a book in the sunshine...
♥ please credit me -
pinkdiamonds31 - if you use in your keywords section when you upload an icon.
♥ comments are appreciated - even if you don't take any, it gives me an idea if they are liked or not.
♥ please do not hotlink - save to your own server once you have right clicked and saved it to your computer, thank you.
♥ enjoy! :D