PIMPING - because I can!! :D

Mar 31, 2005 11:27

  • Looking For A True Wiccan Community?

Then come and join the_chalice.

We are a peaceful, welcoming community. We are not fazed at which kind of Pagan faith you follow - just as long as you would like to share your experiences and stories with us.

Have a good source of where to find crystals?

Then share with us!

Know of some good mixtures to compliment each other when making incense?

Please, tell us!

I opened this community, as I wanted like-minded Pagans and Wiccans to be able to share thier experiences with each other, without the fear that someone else will ridicule them for thier faith, or because they follow a certain path that may differ from another Wiccan.

We at the_chalice are not concerned with which Pagan/Wiccan path you follow - Wicca is about tolerance, understanding, and balance among other things.

So please come along and share your faith with us...

to join the_chalice

Blessed Be
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