(no subject)

May 10, 2010 13:21

i'm really irrational when it comes to celebrities.

it's not like i believe i'll actually be friends with my current infatuations, but if i watch enough of their show i feel creepily connected to them. so much so that in my head, i can rationalize a reality when them in it.

right now, i've been watching a lot of FRINGE and a crush of sorts has grown for joshua jackson.
i was never crazy for him in the dawson's creek era (although he'll always be "pacey" in my mind) and i'm sorry, but the skulls was just kinda EH but his little sassy sideways smirk and sexy black high-necked wool jacket he always wears in this show...DAMN. i'm into it.

the show is set in boston which i'm quite familiar with and it's so simple to say to myself "man, i know where they are. we could just BUMP into each other one day--how cool would that be?" and then i drift off into a daydream where we are cruising down the back bay, windows down in some flashy car (probably his) and it's comfortable and awesome.

i know it's weird. and i know we'll never hang out, but it's fun to pretend.
i guess that's the same rationale stalkers use. eww.
i'm not planning on hunting him down or anything, it would have to be serendipitous, of course.
ah well, a girl can dream.

p.s. jason siegel or christopher maloni, i'd settle for either of you, too.
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