Only 4 days until moving day!
We're pretty much all packed now. Nicky has never properly moved house before (she's lived in the same house her whole life, and just did quick and easy moves in a taxi to get to and from her student accommodation) so she's been quite overwhelmed by the whole process, but we've kept on track with meticulous planning and To-Do lists.
She does like the packing though. The other day I put the book I was reading down on a bookshelf and went to have a shower. Clean and pyjama'd, I came back in, ready to settle down to read for an hour or so before dinner.
Me (confused, looking at the now empty bookshelves): Where's my book?
Nicky (happily sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes): What book?
Me: The one I'm reading at the moment, I've only got 100 pages to go, it had a bookmark in it.
Nicky (seeing where this is going): Um, a lot of books have bookmarks in...
Me: It's the first Game of Thrones book, I'm re-reading the series! It's got Sean Bean on the cover.
Nicky: Ohhh... I packed it.
Me: Oh ok, no worries, I'll just undo the box and get it out. Which box is it in?
Nicky (vaguely pointing at a pile of boxes): Well... I think it's that one. But it could be that one... Or that one.
Me: Never mind, I'll start on book 2.
I should probably just be grateful that she enjoys it so much!
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