a bit of a Harry Potter themed weekend, as whilst i was at work yesterday discovering Dumbledore's sexuality, my lady
hiddenshallows was at a fancy dress Halloween party. she went as a female Death Eater, and won the coveted 'Most Sexy' award for her efforts! i'm so proud of her! she'd actually spent hours and hours cutting, pinning and tacking a hooded black velvet and silver satin-lined cloak to go with her outfit, but the sewing machine let her down at the last minute so she had to go without. i still think she looks absolutely fantastic! (click on a photo to see it larger)
this afternoon we went to the IMAX to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on the giant screen, with the last twenty minutes (the scenes in the Ministry) in 3D. it was absolutely breathtaking! this was Laura's first time at the IMAX, and she got very excited about the whole experience, particularly every time Lucius appeared in glorious 3D (yes, embarrassingly for me, she did try to reach out and touch him.)