Lost and Cheer haha

Sep 21, 2005 19:53

Cheer was fuuuun today...I'm in stunts!! Flying!!! Yay!!! That's all I'll say about them since most of you won't understand what the heck I'm talking about if I get all technical so yeah...haha, but I think our competition routine's going to be really really cute!! Yay!!

Mads was fun today too...But before that, I was craving donuts really badly today in seminary (specifically a chocolate frosted one. Possibly with sprinkles) and so Ashley and I went to Harris Teeter and got a dozen donuts. And ate them. They were delish. Haha, such pigs we are...and then I get to Mads and Emma's like, "Hey I made cookies!" of which I ate, like, 10 of course...OH. EH. GEE. (haha em? get it? for EMma? hahaha) Those cookies were amazing, they were like spice cookies or something...GOOD ON YA, EMMA. GOOD ON YA.

Well Lost season premiere's on tonight (!) FINALLY, so I'm gonna go watch that. And then there's this new show coming on after that called Invasion (?). Oh well it sounds interesting anyway.

IF YOU WANT TO BUY KRISPY KREME DONUTS, TALK TO ME. I'll personally bring them to your house on Saturday morning. They're only $6 a dozen, or per gift certificate, or you could just do a donation if you wanted to do that. LOVE YOU ALL PLEASE BUY DONUTS, THANKS TO ALL THOSE THAT ALREADY HAVE, 'BYE!!!!
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