Today came faster than I thought it would and saying goodbye hurt harder than I expected. I tried to not cry but everytime he touched me or kissed me I was a mess. We knew this was going to happen from the beginning but I guess we had no idea how much we would care for eachother by the time he had to leave. The last four months flew by and I feel like it was just the otherday that he first kissed me for the first time and told me I was beautiful and that he thought we could be great for eachother. And we are. I know that everytime he smiles at me and everytime we laugh together and hold eachother. It was so hard to let go of all the freedom we've had. spending everynight together, never having to worry, being with our friends everyday. But I know this is best for him and as much as I miss him I know this is right. We held hands and walked down by the potomac last night after eating at a really expensive nice dinner on the water in alexandria. It was so chilly and the water was so beauitful and It killed me to know that I only had a few hours left with him. When I left we held eachother and promised to make this work, 2 months isnt so bad. But what got me was when i looked in his eyes and he was crying and he hugged me and kissed my forehead and told me he loved me. I know this going to be hard but I have to be strong for him. I love him. Hes my boo.