Nov 05, 2004 19:29
Ya people are stupid
That whole fight thing
people who got brought into it...
It really only involved 4 people
people need to just leave it alone
the 2 deserving WILL GET THEIRS
karma baby
and this whole blah blah gatewood hate and shit
i feel im on the right side
the word friend is a very loose term
i had fun and my life is great right now
ive done more in a week than i did basically all summer
im not sayin my summer sucked
and that i regret it
no, i had a great time
and im glad i shared it with the people i did
but i could have done more than just
go to parties
and im a little sad to not be friends with some people right now
but i wasnt my decision
and i dont even know why
and its just bullshit and immature
and i dont really care
just over it
im not supposed to feel this way with you
and im pissed that i cant go to slayer the 24th now
my family decided to go to charlotte for thanksgiving
dammit! sorry jen
and the whole election thing...
damn..shit sucks
but it would have been total chaos either way
fuck politics
a black woman just needs to run
she'll win automatically
id totally vote for her