Rabu ♥ 5

Dec 20, 2009 15:28

Christmas is certainly going to be lots of fun this year, it seems~♥ And I can say a large part of it is all due to Kintarou-san and his dedication to finding me just the right gift~♥ Kintarou-saaaaan~♥ You're my hero~♥ I can't wait to find my gift on my doorstep, all wrapped up in nothing but a bow~♥ Ah, but I imagine it shall be cold out there and that would cause damage to certain items that come with my gift. So I'll have to make certain to bring him inside right away and take him straight to my bedroom where I can help him warm up again~♥
I can't wait to start playing with my gift~! And I imagine I'll stay rather occupied for quite a while because of it, so everyone will have to excuse my unwillingness to pay much attention to anything else~ But I wouldn't wish for it to be any other way~♥ Please be gentle with me, Stallion-sama~♥

But at the moment, I am in Tokyo...with Yuuji. Since Hikaru-kyun and Kenya-kyun decided they were going to move their things up to our new home away from home, I chose to tag along as well. ...And much to my irritation Yuuji decided to follow us also. Things are now set up. I admit some reluctance and annoyance over having to share a dorm room with Yuuji. But he kept whining and he knows I hate it when he whines! So I gave in. However, unlike my darling kouhai, I shall be returning home to spend the holidays with family and finish bidding some old friends goodbye. However, I shall be in the area for a few more days, so if anyone is interested in helping me get better acquainted to my new future surroundings, I would be more than happy to meet up~♥ Please excuse me if I bring my obnoxious baggage along with me, though. As Yuuji refuses to go home without me and also refuses to let me go anywhere without him.

Ah~! And also...

...Reverse Panda-kyun~♥ I request an audience with you~♥ And if you refuse, I will simply come to your home looking for you~ I do know where you live, after all~♥ Ahh~ May still do that anyway~ Since Kenya-kyun is supposed to be visiting over there, I'll simply drop by and have my beloved teammate introduce me to that marvelous cousin of his~♥

Now then~! Off I go before Yuuji attempts to look over my shoulder again to see what I'm typing.
Honana~! ♥

reverse panda-kun~♥, christmas, All moved in~♥, Hikaru-kyun~♥, tokyo, yuuji, Kenya-kun~♥, Gen-chan~♥

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