Feb 20, 2005 20:56
I'm probably one of the only peolpe who acutally
want to go back to school.....
Yesterday I watched Mulan, it was nice.
I really love that movie, the guy Shang,
is hot...even though he's not real lol. I
had a lot of interesting conversations this
week, I think I need to start learing stuff
again cause I feel really stupid. Well soccer
is like actually starting now, like the mand-
itory conditioning, I really don't want to
play this year, but I have to cause I told
the girls that I played with last year that I
would, :( I REALLY don't wanna do it..
whatever, school's boring, soccer's boring,
and now that Erin quite teaching my tap and
lyrical classes, dance is completely boring.
Whatev, sometimes you just have to shut up
and deal with what you have, sooner or later
it wont be as gay.