Alone again, so I stole from myself unwillingly <3

Oct 20, 2009 00:50

10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:
1. I think I could love you
2.  I wish you would just stay here.. and take away my lonelyness :(
3. Are you avoiding me?
4. you CAN live without hanging off a guys arm 24/7
5. I say.. Just leave
6.  WHOOT KINGSTON BITCHES.. I mean.. what?.. :)
7. *holds up middle finger*
8.  dad.. I peirced my labret, and if you take away my car Ill cry.. lmao

09 things about yourself:
1.  My favorite colors are white and the rainbow :) still
2.  I love wearing short shorts
3.  I have my, tounge, labret, nipple and cartaleg periced lmao (l also had my belly button periced 3 times)
4. I have a tattoo of music notes on my back
5.  Im extremly excited about moving  :) 
6.  I usually do the opposite of what people tell me to do
7. I love keeping people guessing and wondering
8 . I LOVE chocolate
9.  ID die without my cell phone :) (also if my dad took away my car.. lmao)

08 ways to win your heart:
1.  like me for my personality not just my looks (ppffttt... looks... hahahah)
2. smile alot :) 
3. Be up for trying anything!!
4.  be advantrues
5. dont be afraid to cuddle lmao
6. Give lots of hugs!
7. be yourself
8. and dont you dare lie to me...:'(

07 things that cross your mind a lot:
1.  what certen people are doing
2. how the fuck im going to get into st lawrence college
3. will i ever be famous
4. do i have an enemy?
5. why am I, like I am? 
6.  Could i date someone besides him?
7. will i ever get a fucking cat?

06 things you do before you fall asleep:
1.  put on my pjs
2.  take off my make-up/clean my face
3.  go on the computer for a bit and say goodnight to ppl
4. text people
5.  listen to music while im trying to fall asleep
6.  and then sleep!

05 people who mean a lot:
1.  Cindyy O
2.  Taylor C
3.  thomas C
4. Scott Miller
5. and everyone one else that i know lmao fuck i knwo to many ppl <333

04 things you're wearing right now:
1.  black tank top
2.  snoopy pj pants
3.  underwear and bra
4. socks!!

03 songs that you listen to often (currently)
1. a new song on the radio that i dont knwo the name to but it goes " I wish I could say planet earth turns slowly..and id rather be awake but right now im asleep.. etc"
2. Savior by Lights 
3. Throw your hands up by Steryo-somethings.. lmao

02 things you want to do before you die:
1. as crazy as this sounds.. at the time.. I want to have a kid and be a mommy before i die
2. become known

01 confession:
1. I feel in love with a boy who has as crazy dreams as I do and I cant let him go
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