lets remember

Nov 05, 2008 19:16

Lets remeber what we have
lets forget what we've lost
lets remembr the good days
lets forget the bad
lets hold on till the end
and the end only comes
when its not your choice
lets nots get scared
lets remember
someones always there
Lets dance till our feet are sore
lets sing sing
till we cant anymore

This poem is for someone I dont know, I know every well and Ive never meet. Its for the people who have nothing to see, and nothing to feel its for my family and friends, my enemies an my love, my unborn children and the people who i have yet to meet that will be apart of my life.

its been a wonderful day today and yet a sad one.
my happy day is i got the jo i want.. whoot....
the sad is, they might have found the body of a child that ran away from his home.. i didnt know him, but no one wants that to happen. never.
so dont ever throw away something so precies as a life.. never take it for granted. theres thing everyone wants to excperence in life..
firt kiss. falling in love, moving out of there parents house (lol) growing old..
and yet some people dont get to do it all. no one really gets to do it all.. so do as much as you can :)

.. live your life
ttyl readers. ♥
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