[twilight] Statues: Volume I

May 19, 2008 16:21

Another little drabble series, this time for Twilight. Expect a lot of non-canon pairings.

Title: If It’s Broken
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen/Bella Swan
Rating: PG
Summary: Loops of plastic twine loosely weave her back together. [for the twilight uncanon drabble-a-thon at kaiwynn's lj!]

It isn’t any different than when she’d thirsted for Edward’s voice, and had done anything to hear it. Motorbikes on a mud-slick track? Sure. Battling brambles and scratching her skin all to hell in vain search of a meadow? Why not. Jumping off a cliff into the devil’s undertow? Gladly!

Now she could afford to be a bit cleverer about it. Preparing dinner with buttery fingers? A knife’s bound to slip. Exercising the few tips she’d learned from Jake on her car? Hey, trucks have teeth. Running barefoot through a rainy street? It’s not her fault someone left a broken beer bottle lying around.

She has more scars than freckles by now, like the tails of stars shooting across her ivory skin. They are stories, she says, little badges of merit for being brave and maybe a bit stupid. At the very least, it gets her used to the sight of blood, and the stitches never hurt. Like shreds of thread piecing her back together, woven by her very own angel.

He is getting suspicious, not that she hadn’t expected it. She figures he must just be grateful she’s killing herself slowly, like there’s more time to come up with a plan to stop her. For once, Bella knows better.

She’ll never stop breaking herself, as long as Carlisle’s there to fix her.

Title: Namesakes
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jacob Black/Alice Cullen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: However briefly, they know each other’s world. [for the twilight uncanon drabble-a-thon at kaiwynn's lj!]

She smelled of gasoline rainbows and bloodlust. It made his gut churn wickedly, his heart snarl wildly in his chest. He could see her scent in the night, illuminated like the neon tails of speeding cars - it wound around trees, blurred by the speed at which she ran. He matched it, wind in his eyes and ears and nose, raindrops falling in ice cold bullets.

Shreds of clothing marked her trail, wisps of reds and denims, slivers of lace. She was making it too easy; his head grew clouded with anger. Did she think he was so stupid he couldn’t track her through a forest they both knew like the back of their hands?

Finally he burst into the meadow. The moon dripped through gauzy clouds in patches of light latticework. She was half in the light and half out, split down the middle. Her pearl pale flesh shone, twenty-four karat eyes narrowed and blazing.

He shivered down the length of his spine, bones twisting and snapping in symphony until he stood on two feet, the color of sap-soaked bark. Her nose twitched in distaste. He stalked forward, towering over her, shadow veiling her moonlit half and casting her in total darkness.



And the dewy grass was cold, the rain making craters in his back; but she was an ice sculpture melting under him, he a forest fire flickering at her fingertips. The world jerked and stopped, the meadow rolled.

She growled.

He bit.

pairing: het, fandom: twilight, rating: pg-13, length: drabble, ship: twilight: bella/carlisle, genre: angst/dark, rating: pg, series: statues, ship: twilight: alice/jacob, genre: romance

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