yesterday evening, i found out my Aunt Lee passed away. my cousin R.J. sent us a letter in the mail, yesterday. it says...
"With great regret The Family Of Lee M. Coleman Wishes to inform you of Her passing away. Lee died peacefully in her Southampton home After a short illness. Private services."
wow, cool, way to call. i know it's hard on him because it's his mom and all, but seriously a phone call? he died peacefully, just like she told me she wanted too. i don't like the fact that she suffered through everything though, how do you find out a month before her passing that she has developed a large brain tumor...i just don't get it? she was 83, looked really good for her age. god needed another angel.
so after i found out everything, i went in my room, and just sat there, really not knowing what to do. i've lost a lot of people receintly, and it's pretty shitty (oxymoron). so i'm just sitting there, looking through old notes, and i find one that i've been searching for that Katlyn wrote to me. i take that as the biggest sign ever, because i checked there several times before, and never saw it. but now, it appears? holy crap, i love you Kate. wow, so that was a good sign, and now i know Aunt Lee's safe, and Kate's helping her out. the amount of miss i have for Kate right now is so overwhelming. right now we would be getting ready for our fall sport, and starting our work outs. not this time... :0\
i have no clue if we're going to nyc? seeing how i have summer school, and the administrative douchebags wont let me get off. faggots. i hope they rot.
Today wasn't a bad day at all. I made an african american friend named Robert. He's nice. I told some girl that she could solve her sweaty pit problems, by buying perscriptioned deoderant. It works! But, I don't think she likes me very much anymore...haha. Everyone in my class thinks I'm in a band, and I play a long with it of course. They're like sing me some stuff, I just change the sound to Backstreet Boys, and they're like "damn girl, you can sure spit it!" hahahaha, dip shit's. I got home, took a nice run, relived all stress related things, and just watched two birds screw. joking, I didn't stare, i just kept walking...It's really humid out. I've been coughing up blood yesterday and today, my mom say's it's nothing to bad...I really hope it isnt... I lost my inhaler, and have no clue where it is...GREAT! I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out soon, and I'm so nervous. They arnt even showing yet, but they want to take them out? Wackos.
I realized that today wasn't my last soccer game, next game is. We won 3-2. I had a Hatrick mother f'ers. I name my opponents. Tonights girl was named, "large marge" and "big bertha" they were beasts. But I'm not going to lie, I may be a 100somthings lbs off the field...but on the field I'm 394, and I'll destroy you.
So yeah, there is this boy...We like eachother, but I hate summer flings. They always end up smacking you in the face in the end. So, maybe...Oh I don't know what I'm talking about...
<333 **so yeah, Ryan Cabrera and I are in love. He just doesn't know it yet... ;0)