Dec 16, 2005 15:54
Let me start out by saying that I am not a fan of gay people being overtly gay in public. That might not be P.C., but this is my blog and I'm just being honest, so if you dont' like it....stop reading. Anyway, I am utterly APPALLED at the new film that is coming out (pun intended) called Brokeback Mountain. In case you haven't heard about it, it's a movie about 2 cowboys who are fruity queers. As one of my Yahoo friends put it.....Hollywood has taken one of the most manly American icons (a cowboy) and turned it into something flamingly homosexual. Something about that is just WRONG to me. The previews for the movie shows the guys cuddling and caressing each other, then going back home to their wife and kids. Geez, puke! I'm willing to be NO straight guys go see that film. I bet the inside of the theatre will sound like a leaky tire. "Thissssss movie isssss ssssso sssssssuper! I jussssst love it."
Moving on, I saw the sickest, saddest thing this afternoon.....There was a cut little deer walking around on our office property. Then upon closer inspection, the cute little deer had a sliced open belly and his innards were now OUTards. EW!! It was so repulsive and terribly sad. Poor little Bambi was in so much pain. I'm guessing he didn't quite clear a barbed wire fence or something. :(
On a brighter note, today all the girls in the office had our Yankee Swap (a.k.a. Secret Santa gift exchange, for those of you who don't watch The Office.) Now, I was real proud of myself because I've had my gift bought and wrapped for about 3 weeks now. However, my dumb ass walks out of the house this morning without it. Yeah, it's still sitting underneath my Christmas tree. ~Sigh~ I felt kinda bad not having anything for my person to open, so I made a little card at work. At least she had something! Now my forgetful ass has to try and remember it on Monday.
Anyway, we went out to lunch to exchange gifts. Lunch ended up turning into, "Oh, you have to check out this cute little store." So we took a 2 hour long lunch today.....LOL! I love working here. :) And now it's almost time to go home. I'm looking forward to doing next to nothing this weekend, considering I've had a busy week.
I'll part with a nugget of advice....unless you like watching anticlimactic, politically driven, Anti-American films with virtually no closure and listening to Arabic while reading subtitles for at least an hour, DON'T go see Syriana. One word - Horrible! My friends and I seriously stood up and were in awe that we actually stayed through the hole thing. Then depression set in, as we realized we just wasted $6.00 and spent 2 agonizing hours of our life that we will never get back. George & Matt, I disapprove!! This one deserves less than 2 thumbs I'll give it 1 thumb down and 1 in the ass.