WTF I'm almost done school how did this happen T.T I'm filled with so many feelings Its scary but exciting and well the only time i think about how scary it is, is when I'm trying to sleep which dose not help cause I'm so busy I need that time to sleep not to panic about Am I going to get my dress corset and cape done in time, will I have a photographer for my photo shoot will I have a make-up artist can I get some extra models for said photos, will I get my portfolio done in time so I can actualy graduate gaahhhhh so many things on my mind and so little time to get everything done.
I had a photo shoot at school for the catalogue the school puts of, it was super fun and the photos look really good I snuck some photos from the side line check them out on my DA page Also I had a really great photo shoot of my Eva costumes with Darkain Mulltimedia check out the photos on his web page Task up date and what I'm working on
(I like lists)
Portfolio 10%
Buisness card 25%
Start on patterns for next outfit for school
Dress 15%
Corset 15%
Cape 10%
Mens shirt ( redo different style) - need to make pattern larger ( start over again)- I think I'll just use the shirt I have and redo the pants cause the shirt is pretty good
If any one wants to help out with photos and stuff drop me a line !!!!
Mens pants (redo different style)
I have no comissions at the moment so if any one needs something I can take on one or two but I will definatly have more time in 7 weeks
for lots of comissions