Jan 24, 2005 18:22
1. *Most Common Nicknames:shEll
2. Eyes:brOwn
3. Height:5'1
4. Hair:brOwn
5. Siblings:1 sIstEr
6. Do u like to sing in the shower?:yAh
7. Do u like to sing on the toilet?:nOooO...
8. Birthday: nOvEmbEr 15
11. Sex: fEmAlE
12. Righty or lefty: RIGhTy
13. What do you want in a
relationship most: fEr hIm tO liKe mE feR Me
14. Have you ever cheated?: nO
15. Marital status: sInglE
16. Do u own a car? nOpE
17. What kind of car do you want? idKk
18. Fav. Movie: sLeEpinG wiTh thE enEmy Nn uP tOWn gIrls
19. Fav. Song: toO mAnY
Singer- gOo goO dOlLS
21. TV Show: no clU
22. Actor: ChAd MIchAel MuRrY
23. Actress: JulIa RobErTs lol
24. Food: IcE CreAm
25. Fav Number: 2
26. Cartoon: WhinIeE tHe poOh
27. Fav. Color - PiNk
28. Do you plan on having children: yUpPeRs
29. Do you want to get married: YeA
30. How old do you wanna be when you are married?: 24
31. Would you have kids before marriage:NOpE
32. Do u have a boyfriend or girlfriend(who): nOpE and it WouLdD bE a BoyFriEnD
33. Do you have a crush: Uh Hu ;)
Summer/ Winter: SuMmEr
39. Night/Day: dEpEnDs mOstlEy NiGhT
40. Hangin Out/Chillin: HaNgiNg oUt
41. Dopey/Funny: fUnNy
42. You know I'm around when you
hear: lAugHin
43. What school do u go to?: wIllIAmsvIlle sOutH
44. I dream of Genie/ or I love Lucy?: i LoVe LuCy
NiCeSt: AlL Of em
BeSt aLL aRoUnD pErSoN: HmM..
47. Which 6 people do u trust and are open with the most?: I cAn TrUst mOst of em..bUt i tElL Elle EverYthIn
48.What do you think of soul mate?: umM sURe...
49. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: dEpEndS
50. What was the last thing you cried over?: sOmEthin SecrEt
51. What's something about guys you don't get: HoW thEy cAn hUrt U wiThOut EveN kNOwIn iT
52. Why?: uH i DunnO tHaTs wHY i dOnT gEt iT lol
53. What's Something you can't live without?: FrIeNds n My oNe tEddy hehe
54. Love or lust:LoVe
55. Silver or gold: SIlvEr
56. Diamond or pearl: DiAmOnD
57. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: kIndA..If ThAt mAkes SenSe
58. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I hAve Em But I dOnT rEalI SlEep w/Em
59. Do you have any piercings: Ya
60. What song are u listening to right now: 1 2 step
61. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: SomEwhErE Warm n PreTtY
62. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: iF thEy R Hot/EyEs ThEn thEir PerSonaLitY
63. Favorite sport?: to dO: ChEeRlEadInG to watch: ChEerLeadIng/fOotbAll/BaSkeTbaLl
64. What makes you happy?: A lOt
65. What are the next cd's you're gonna get?: I hAvE nO IdEa
66. Do u wear contacts or glasses? GlAssEs..
67. What's the best advice given to you?: bE yOursElf..
68. Have u ever won any special awards? Ya..
69. What are your future goals?:To BEcOme A gYm tEachEr
70. Worst sickness u ever had?: wAlkIng pEunOmIa
71. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better?: ScArY i lIkR yO cUddLR
72. Hugs or kisses?: WhO iT Is..
73. What song seems to reflect you the most?: IdKk
74. If you died tommorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: SIsTEr N FrIeNDs
75. Do u have any enemies?: kIndA
76. What is your greatest fear?: ElevAtOrs
77. Would you rather be rich or famous?: rIcH
79. Have you ever been in love?: wEll nOt trUe lOvE
80. Have you met Santa?: Uh yEA
81. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked to use your phone, what would u do?: bE sCArEd
82. Last time you talked to the person that you like: tHe OthEr dAy
83. Do u have any pets?: YePs mY bUnNy
84. What's your email address? pinkbubbles2263@netscape.net
85. Last time you were depressed: :( ???
86. Are you an alcoholic?: No
87. Are you a Christian?: yA
-do you like to-
give hugs sometimes: yA
take walks in the rain: sOmEtImEs
go to the beach:yEpPeRa
homework:nO wAy
talk on the phone: YeSs
go online: YaE
-which one of your friends-
is most likely to grow up to be a model:MeGan P.
have known you the longest:AsHleY/KeLly
do you know most about: PrOp..DanIellE
is your most annoying friend: NonE
the shyest:NoNE
-your favorite-
color? PiNk
fruit flavor? sTrAwBeRry/wAtErmElon
cartoon? WhInIe tHe PoOh
holiday? ChRiStMaS
season? SuMmEr
weather? HotT
grade( so far): 7h
sport: ChEeRlEadIng
drink: dR pEppEr/pEpsI
candy: cHoCoLaTe
fruit: GrApEs n StrAwBerRies
dessert: IcE cReam n BrOwnIes
movie: tOo ManY
actor:cHaD miCheAl mUrRaY
flower: rOse/DaIseY
breakfast food: BeLgIan WaFflEs
-are you-
understanding:? Ya
open-minded: ? YeS
arrogant:? HmM
insecure:? SoMeTimEs
interesting:? sUrE
random: YEAH
moody:? cAn bE
childish:? sOmeTimEs
organized:? KinDa
healthy:? DePenDs
shy:? WhEn wIth nEw pEoplE
difficult:? SomEtiMeS
bored easily:? iF aLonE
messy:? SoMetiMeS
obsessed?: ...dEpEndS
sad:? At TImEs
happy:? mOsT oF tHe tiMe
hyper:? YEA
trusting:? yAH
talkative:? yAh
pretty?: I dOnT tHInk I Am
lovable? yEp!
friendly: yAh
intelligent? YeA
in love? wElL ThErE iS thIs onE pErsOn...
This or That..
CD or cassette? Cd’s!
DVD or video? DvD
hot or cold? HoT
love or lust? LoVe
sunrise or sunset?: sUnSeT
indoors or outdoors?..dEpEndS
lipstick or lipgloss? LiP gLoSs
tattoos or piercings? EaR PiErCInGs...ProP WIlL gEt a TaTtoo
thunder or lightning? ..ThUndEr
.Have u Ever..
been on stage: YA
been dumped: :-(
gotten in a car accident: KiNdA...
ran around naked in front of people: no
gone to school in your pajamas: pAjAmA dAy
drank? nOt a lOt
smoked? nOo
prank called the police? nO
wanted to die? nO :(
broken the law? Na
had regrets? yEss
stolen? nOpE
broken a bone: FIngEr
cheated on a test: Ya
met a famous person: yEss
bought something and then sold it: yeah
cursive or print? pRiNt
lefty righty or ambidextrous? RiGhTy
wow like ur really gonna read all of that..lol