Mar 27, 2005 21:37
i dont like that feeling.
im just gonna write, if anyone wants an explanation, find me.
nobody comments here really anymore anyway. your all dead.
(especially the virgins)
i just finnished hopeless savages "ground zero"- i gotta say i wasnt impressed with the idea before reading it: a mom n dad in a punkrock band and all their kids who have crazy names like skank zero and arsenal fierce... i mean it sounds like stuff u've sean or heard before- but this shits sweet. i loved it. it was sweet, it was thoughtful, it was endearing (yeah i'll say it)... loved it. cant wait to read more.
sometimes i think my parents think im not doing as well as i say (and believe me i dont pretend to be awesome, im honest) and am secretly washing down the drain (on drugs/suicidal/homocidal/pregnant....i dont know)
sara i wish u'd eat. your mother wouldnt be happy. your gonna die.
i was thinking about kayla korhummel today (i KNOW i spelled that name wrong). i dont know why. most of u wont have a damn clue who im talking about because u didnt go to lourdes. but for those of u who were unfortunate enough to drag youselves thru that with me, then u'll at least know who im referring to. let me explain that this girl and i had no relationship whatsoever- we werent friends/we werent enemies. essencially the only way i knew her at all was thru listening to her talk inseccently in homeroom every year thru highschool about whatever. she had big caterpiller eyes and orangey skin like all the dumb girls that did fake tanning in the winter. she was a cheerleader. guys thought she was hot shit. i didnt. but she was (ugh, i hate this phrase) "nice enough". this entry is dedicated to kayla korhummel. to wherever the fuck that girl went. to all the people i never got to know, and couldnt give a damn about it. im glad there are way more of them than people i really wished id known.
yeah, i usually find a way to know the people i want to know. thats good. ::pat pat::
hung out with meggie today, after chap went to work. today with him was pretty unimpressive. which, actually, in the oddest way is an alright sign because being exhillarated and well, almost suprised to be here, would mean that this isnt a lasting thing. but it is. so its no longer a huge thing that its our official anniversary. i wish chap hadnt had to work but i also wish more than that that i'd done more with our day. i love him and im terribly happy that we have many more anniversaries to out-do this one in the future. i know it.
yesterday was a mind-fuck. between talkin to collins and mox comming up, yeah. chappy n i ended up alone once everyone left being our usual incredibly silly selves and it was fine. i cant wait to go to the beach with him when he gets outta work at eleven.
hairnets are ment for you to PUT ALL YOUR FUCKING HAIR IN THEM YOU ASSHOLE.
my hampster depresses me in a way. his life goal is, like most small petrified pets, to escape his mommy n daddy and go.....wherever the fuck it is he wants to go. outside the fucking cage, thats for sure.
i look forward to eating my blt salad tonight. having food at home is a nice thing.
my mom had to get off the phone with me today. i guess it pissed her off that i want alex to take the time to figure out what makes him happy rather than staying in a school where he isnt happy. she thinks people should stay where they are and suck it up if it means a good job later on. we all know...or maybe some of us dont but mom's masters degree got her FAR. she got it in art education and in the past decades shes done anything BUT! thats not her fault, thats shitty ny state education for u. but my point is, setting yourself up with some "sure-bet" decent job is safe, but could leave u miserable. schools great, but u gotta do it to better YOU not just make u money.
i want everyone to ensure that nomatter what, they put themselves in a life that makes them HAPPY. christ, is that such a hard concept?
this is the first easter ever that i did NOTHING easter like.
eras are ending.
i cant wait for summer.
i should go find some good constructive mind-rotting television to infiltrate all my knotted thoughts.
thinking is so overrated!!
hows everybody doin...