iggnorance, arrogance and just plain stupidity..

Mar 21, 2006 21:44

wow some people are really dumb.

like seriously

yesterday during my break at school, my friend Justin started talking about his service at his church and it was about the differences between catholisicm, protestants and christianity. And he went off on how its all wrong ( except for being non-denominational christianity) and this is this and it doesnt say this in the Bible and this really means this in the Bible and then he said the most iggnorant and arrogant thing ever :

" yeah i try to accept other peoples religion and opinion, but I cant help but judge them"


So he just admitted to being prejudice to people against their religious beliefs.

FIRST THING HE DID WRONG: I myself am a Catholic, and I do not like to talk about my beliefs or defend my reasonings because its MY belief and I dont have to prove anything, also I am very open and accepting of other peoples religious beliefs. SO I was very mad when he sat there telling my I am wrong, when you cant say that a persons BELIEF is wrong.

SECOND,  he made me feel like I had to defend my beliefs, which I hate to do, but I just have to get this off my chest :

Catholicism is a branch of Christianity. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics. Also, Catholicism was the first form of Christianity, and makes up half of the Christians in the world. HALF.

THIRD, he admittied to be prejudice, and which is a big no-no for Christians, since we are all about Love and Forgiveness and Acceptance.

FOURTH , he didnt know what he was talking about. He talking about his pastor telling him this, and his grandmother telling him that, but he never once said what HE truley believes, and I think its important to establish religious beliefs for yourself, not because thats the way you were raised and thats all you know. You beleive from YOUR heart with honesty, not with someone elses with force.


OK Im Catholic and I really believe in my religion. I pray. I go to church. But Im open to other peoples beliefs ( except atheism). I belive in the Hindu belief of Karma. I dont believe in capital punishment. I dont believe in confession through the church. I dont belive in abortion, but I think it should be legal. I am a Libertarian. I have friends who are Catholic, Luthern, Non-Denominational, Jewish, Muslim and people who have their own version of religion, and Im accepting of all of these people. I am not perfect, but I have a better heart and mind than most people in the world.

This isnt an attack or proving of who is right and wrong, its about that you cant prove who is right or wrong, you go with your belief.



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