Since I NEVER update this thing anymore and I am sufficiently bored at work this afternoon, I thought it was time….
I have been at my job for almost six months now. Things are going really well. I like the people I work (for the most part) and I usually have lots to do (which is good). My boss is wonderful and very easy to work for. I am very happy that I cannot relate to the horror stories I have heard from so many people about their supervisors & directors. I don’t know if I necessarily see myself staying in the sales portion of special events for the rest of my career, but I am enjoying it for the time being.
Ben is great. He loves teaching and he still seems to be enjoying his Master’s classes…although I think he is ready to be done & truth be told I am ready for him to be done as well. I miss him on the weekends he has class and our bank account misses the money that is paying for his tuition & books. I know it will all pay off in the long run and these classes are helping him to become an even more amazing teacher than he already his.
Gus is fantastic! We recently put together a guest bedroom and he has claimed it for his own. Gus and guest are very similar words, so I can’t blame him entirely for the confusion. I would really like to get a new puppy friend for Gus, but puppies are expensive & time consuming, so maybe if I still have this desire next summer (when Ben is at home again) we will get one then.
I am so ready for the fall to get here. I love the weather in the fall and the football (only two weeks until the first game!). Also, I am told, the fall is the most exciting & busiest time for my job. We have a lot of great concerts & shows coming to the Arena soon and (shameless plug) you should go to to check them out.
Well, that’s about it for now. I promise to write again relatively soon…by Christmas maybe???