Misunderstanding: I do not care for right power right now

Jun 25, 2004 11:22

Yesterday went great until after lunch
I had a really hard group
On the way up to our tables he wouldn’t let go of me
I couldn’t even tell the story because he was running around me in circles
On the way up the hill I had a really hard time leading a song because he kept jumping on me
During this whole time he was screaming too
At our first obstacle one kid gave him his sour spray and than shut him up for awhile
But he still wouldn’t let go of me
On the last obstacle it got so bad I had to have his adult leader hold him
At some point when I was explaining the obstacle to all of the other kids
Dillon dragged the kid up the ladder
So when I turned around to watch the first kid climb up the rope tunnel I saw this kid jumping and crying refusing to come down
We got him calmed down some but he still wouldn’t come down
So we started letting kids climb up and Dillon and his adult leader watched him
But then he started screaming again (he thought he was never going to come down, he was to scared to slide down or climb down)
So I sat over with him and tired to get him to let his adult leader carry him down
It finally got the point where I wasn’t sure how he was going to get down
And I was scared he was going to fall (he wouldn’t stop jumping)
So I had to call Doug to get him down
Doug somehow carried him down kicking and screaming

My next group was a little better
There were two non-English speaking adult leaders and a rather large boy that was scare to death of heights
But it ended up being fine

Since we had already finished building fires we were released early
I sat and read for awhile
Then I decided to go sit at nature
People were there so I went back to my area
And I decided that, that didn’t feel right so I kept walking
I walked through the slide for life back to the night hike path
I walked around by LC and up to eagles nest
I sat at eagles nest for awhile and wrote in my paper journal
I ended up walking through camp site to the service road back down to the gyro

The staff activity was weird
It was fun some of the time
There was a lot of drama but… in a more normal not desperate or bad way
Everything ended ok, with no one mad

-Toni talking to people separately
-Drew being an asshole
-Down by basketball
-Brad F. and Greg playing cards
-Heather, Kevin S., Brad, Ryan risk
-The twin’s one at a time
-dancing in the parking lot
-The kitten
-1-2-3 sluts

I drove home again yayness
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