Nov 29, 2005 19:57
wow.. i havent been here in forever and a million days. Well im glad that im back. I have alot on my mind and its actually some stuff i need to let out, the only way possible.. which is in a journal.
Well to get things from where they were, im done with Coean, me and him offically ended things and now he has the love of his life, Kristi. Im super happy for him, but yano, it would have been alotta fun to try evrything out. But enough there, summer came and sophomore year was behind us.. time to party and have a time of our lives! Well of course.. i fell in love. My first true love, David Cellarius. Yea i had him over the whole summer, we were together practicall everyday and my life eventually became Beecher.
Well we were goin strong, he was startin his senior year and i was starting my junior year. Well things worked out for another 2 and a half months and then, boom. We ended things. Im not gunna go into detail because peple really dont need to know what happened between us, but things ended and it REALLY sucks. I mean i love him to death and he just wanted to be single. So im happy for him and stuff. Things happened that were bad after and things really did suck. He hooked up with 2 of my firends, and im okay with it, i mean forgive and forget right?
We yea, me and him decided to be friends and i started talking to Matt. I thought things would be different, but Matt screwed me over too. Well i just guess everything cant be perfect. But im realizing more and more that i miss david more and it sucks, because he just wants to be friends.Yea well i guess friends are better than nothing. Yano? Well yea. I just want him to be like Jamie i want you back and i want everything to be back to normal. But i guess that wont happen anytime soon. But yea im completely heartbroken.
On to other news, im gunna start updating basically everyday if not every other day. I missed having a journal. But i guess, i need one in a time like this.
Monday Nite-Catie's for movie nite! Anchorman!
Tuesday-Out to breakfast with Leese, Kim, KC, Jamie and Alex. Carface slept over and we went to the boys indoor soccer game and saw our boys kick some ass! 13-0! woo-hoo! And saw Beecher boys.. Matt, David