Aug 24, 2006 16:51
Tadaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! It's Project Runway time!!!
So ok. Recap. Who, besides me thinks that God played a cruel Joke on Jeff by handing him Angela's mother??? Seriously!!! Robert finally got kicked off for reasons of pure boredom. Thank God. When Heidi announced who would be out I Screamed. I did. Ask my husband. Seriously!! I do however think that Jeff was rude and obnoxious to his client, regardless of who she is. But gosh...after hearing what his story you kinda have to feel sorry for the guy.
His mom is so nice!!!
WTF!! Laura is going to have ANOTHER baby??? 6??? Holy Crap!!!!
I don't think vincent should have won. I don't. I think Michaels dress was WAY WAY WAY nicer!!!! It looked good. I mean Vincent's dress only look good from one angle and that was the front. Nothing special on the back. At all.
So here are my choices for the finals: Uli, Michael and an underdog. I don't know who yet though. Angela could make it if she works at it and so could Laura. Jeff needs to focus and get so over that feud and he might stand a chance. I hope vincent doesn't make it. I don't. Kayne....Hmmmmm...that's another one I'm not sure about. I think the battle for the last spot will be a hard one, but mark my words......Michael and Uli!!!!
I was hoping that Heidi would finally speak some german!! I was hoping it would be with Uli, but hey...her mom works too.
Other than Project Runway....hmmmmm....
I bought clothes for recruitment. 2 pairs of pants and a nice dress.
I'm off now. My sister is arriving at the airport in about an hour and I wanted to greet her by the gate.