My car got towed for the frist time...and it sucked

Apr 07, 2006 19:15

Hello! Thought I'd update a little earlier than usual. :)

Japan auditions...didn't get them. :( I arrived about an hour early and was number 15 out of what ended up being about 80 people in all! (There was going to be another audition time in the evening as well, but it was still a smaller number than last tryouts!) Before we auditioned they showed us a video of what it'd be like living over there. So by the end of it, I was already packing my bags in my head. Now it was time to audition! They took 40 of us into a room and we all lined up in one line facing the people in the room...most of them were actually from Japan. A couple at a time, they walked by you and looked. Both times someone passed me I noticed they didn't write anything down and they just glanced at me. I thought that was it, but we were then taught a small dance routine. Once learned, we went up in groups of five and performed. They said not to worry if we didn't have the dance down perfect, they just wanted to see how we animated and moved. Finally it was number picking time. And out of 40 people, they called only 3 numbers! Of course I was disappointed, but as I was walking out I over heard some girls talking, and they said how these Japan judges go all around recruiting for face characters, so they must really know what they want. It's just frustrating that it's all based on the way you look...I really have no control over it. But alas...on April 29th there are auditions for Hong Kong Disney, and I'll be there. I'm not expecting anything from it...just more experience. And when I go back home, I'm going to start taking dance again, and finish and keep pursuing modeling. Both of these can only help in me getting a part. There is a Disney website that shows when all the auditions are held for the different parks...even cruise line, so I check that often. I'm thinking of trying it out in Disneyland. Who knows were I'll end up, but I know it's gotta happen.

So yesterday was a pretty fun day...and when I say fun I mean a real drag. I worked from 7a-1p. Almost as soon as I get in, one of the managers calls me into his office. I see him carrying an envelope, and I know what it's for. Mt second reprimand. If you get 3, you get terminated, but they'll re-hire you after 6 months. That's teaching them, Disney! I keep track of my points, before they turn into an actual reprimand, but this last point got past me. I had no control over it. I was actually sick when I used this point...a nasty little stomach virus that I caught from Alan. What a GREAT start to the morning! And know I got to go work in the one restaurant I hated most...wahoo.
The one cool thing that happened this day, though, happened when I was working. The past two days I've been working at Animal Kingdom, it's been crazy! Expedition Everest has officially been opened to the public, so all this press and VIP were around. The restaurant I was working's very fast paced..unlike other dining places I work in. You pretyy much sign the autograph, take pictures and head onto the next table. No time for playing... :( I get to this one table where 2 ladys and an older gentleman are sitting. I notice that one of them is wearing a Disney name tag. The guy and one of the girls stand next to me for a picture as she asks me, "Do you know who this guy is?" I shake my head no, and she says, "Well, do you know who Bill Farmer is?" Again, no. And then he talks to me in Goofy's voice...this was the voice of Goofy! I was so excited...this was pretty cool! SO I spend a little extra time with them!
I then had a hair appointment at 2:30. I went back to the girl I saw last time...she is sooo much better than those other 100 hair stylists I saw down here who screwed up my hair. I got out of my appointment around 4:15, and I walked to the lot where I parked, all happy with my trim, and then I just stopped. Did I just pass my car, because it sure isn't where I thought I left it. And then I remember what Lindsey (my hair stylist) had told me the last time I'd come. She said that they towed cars like crazy downtown. But I had parked here the last time I'd come. I hadn't seen a sign. So I rush back to the salon and tell the girls in there what happened. They said that I'd probably gotten towed. SO I ask how much is this going to cost me. And Lindsey says, "$100. And they will only take cash." Awesome man! That's great, considering I don't ever carry cash. By now I just lose it and start crying. They sympathize with me, and Linsdey says that she will go to the ATM, take money out of her account, and take me to get my car. She said I could just send her a check in the mail. She is SO awesome.
I couldn't do that, though. Alan got off work at 5:30, so I decided I would call him. First I had to find a number for this towing place. I ran around like a crazy person...first to a parking place located behind the salon, but that didn't really help me. The lady said there should be a sign in the lot. SO I go back to the lot and can't find a sign...oh no! What if my car was stolen??!! My mind starts racing on how I was going to get to work, how was I going to get all my things back home?...oh wait...THERE's the sign that says: Private Property and something about how parking there meant your car would be towed. This would have been useful about 2 hours ago. I call the number, and get an adress for the place.
I then call's about 5:00 by now, and he thinks I'm making it up. He gets an ER, and stops by the ATM to get the money. Thank goodness for my Alan! While I wait for him, I just sit in the salon and watch Toy Story 2. About an hour later, because he has to fight traffic, he picks me up and we get to the tow place...which was pretty sketchy. After paying, one of the guys takes me to their back lot and I get my poor baby! An hour later, we make it safely home.

And so now there's about a month left of the program. It's sad in some ways. Tomorrow is 5 months for me and Alan. I can't believe fast it's gone. His mom, dad, and sister are coming in to visit next week, so that will be fun!

Next week, guess who I get to be for 4 days? The EASTER bunny! How crazy is that? I never really thought Disney would have them. They actually have a Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny. And I get to be Mrs. 3 out of the 4 first time being a GIRL character! I'm pretty excited!
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