I LOVED my visitor this past week!!

Dec 19, 2005 11:15

Is it December 19th, already?? If I wasn't extending I'd be home in 2 and half weeks...that's really crazy to think about. I can't imagine leaving now. This past semester has flown by. I can't believe it's almost over and I'll never see some of these people again...

So, Brittany and I found out when we move out...Jan.3rd-Jan.4th. Ok, what the freak man. You tell us to be ready to move out by Dec.11, and then a week past that date you tell us that we're not moving until te actual ending date of the program? That kind of pissed me off...but in ways this will really work out. I shouldn't have to work those days (it will be my week before training), but my family will be here then. ...But with their help I can get the job done faster! :) And Alan found out that he gets to stay in his apartment, since one of his roommates is staying. So I told him that meant he gets to be my moving man! Before we move we're able to request one roommate to be in the apartment, so Brittany and I are pretty excited about that!

With each day I work at the Polynesian I get that much more excited about leaving! Things are changing there...they're getting more strict, and I'm not cool with that. But after standing at my station bored to death, or after dealing with a nasty guest, I'll sometimes get a phone call from across the room from Alan, and that seems to make everything better. That's one of the few things I love about my job...something can go wrong or bring me down there, but just knowing that he's there with me makes me feel better.

My mom has sent me different packages the past couple weeks. The first was this awesome tiny Christmas tree. And with this tree came with gifts that had dates on them that I'm supposed to open them on. Each of the gifts has something to do with the tree. For example, there were tiny lights to put on the tree, and tiny ornaments to decorate it, and the cutest tree skirt! It's awesome! I was SO happy to beable to put ornaments on a tree this year! She also sent a package with presents for me and my roomies, and the cool thing about these were the labels on the packages. For Christina's it said it was from the KY mom, Ali's: From Pluto's mom, Angela's: From the roomies mom, Alan's: From K-Money's mom (He thought this was awesome, by the way. He said that when he first meets my mom and dad he might call them Mr and Mrs K-Money), and Brittany's was the greatest: From Patrick's Ex-mom....how awesome is THAT? Everyone laughs when they read it...they think it's GREAT, mom!!

Not only have I opened up healthy eating to Alan, but I also introduced Cracker Barrel to him! That's right...he'd never eaten there before last week! He always used to think it was just a general store, and couldn't understand why people kept saying how it had the best fried chicken. And in the past week and a half we've gone there for breakfast 3 mornings! He loves it!

So guess who came to visit a couple days ago?? ELLIE!!! It was SO great! She was my very first visitor! I can begin to explain how awesome it was to have one of my friends from home with me for 3 days! I was so glad that she got to see my life down here! And after 2 weeks, Alan was able to find someone to take his bell service shift, so he could work my shift on Thursday...Ellie said that he deserves a best boyfriend award..I'll second that. I picked Ellie up at the airport on Thursday morning...ELLACEY was reunited! We went from there to my apartment to pick Angela up. We then went to the Poly, so I could show her where I worked and we could bug Alan. He was with a guest, and didn't get finished with them for about 15-20 minutes! I later found out that most of his guests that day had problems with their reservations...wouldn't that figure the shift he picks up from me turns about to be problematic. It felt so surreal to have Ellie there...it was like she jumped into my Live Journal life, and was getting to meet some of the characters in it. We then went to Epcot for several hours, and toward the end we met up with Annie and her friend that came to visit her! We all rode test track together, and I told Annie that we were all going to put our hands up when we went on the fast part. So when we got off, we checked out picture that's taken during the ride, and everyone has their hands up, but you can't really see my face beacuse it's blocked by Annie's friend, and Annie says, "Look! It's a hidden Kacey!" ....Kinda like a hidden Mickey? Ok, it doesn't sound funny, but it really was. Around 5, Ellie and I dropped Angela off for work, and the two of us headed to MGM for dinner and to ride some rides. I was determined to get her on rides before the park closed at 8. Alan was going meet up with us after he got off at 7. We were able to ride the Great Movie Ride and Star Tours. Alan texted me and said he got an ER, so I pushed back our reservation at the 50's Prime Time Cafe about an hour later so he could join us. While we waited, we got to see the lights...and there are so many of them in one part of the park! They have fake snow blowing from the rooftops, and this was the first time that it felt like Christmas here! Alan ended up getting in the park around 6:45...we had reservations at 7:20, and I wanted him to take her on Rock n' Rollar Coaster and Tower of Terror..since I don't do those rides. Fantasmic was at 7, so the wait time for rides was like 10 minutes or less...and they got to do both! Dinner of course, was soo good! We then went to check Ellie into her hotel room, and we had planned on going to P.I, but the whole day had been crazy, so we were all pretty tuckered out. It was time for bed!

Friday I decided to call in and hang out with Ellie. Alan didn't have to go in to work until 4, so guess where we went to breakfast...Cracker Barrel! We went to see a movie after...The Family Stone...which was an interesting movie..it's not how the previews make it out to be. Next we went to Beaches n' Cream, a little restaurant at the Yacht and Beach Club, where Alan and Ellie got some ice cream. Then Alan went to work, while Ellie and I went shopping for the rest of the day at Florida Mall and Downtown Disney. I stayed the night with her that night...sleepover!

Saturday we checked her out a night early, since her family was coming down for a couple days. She just hung around my apartment from 11-7 while I had to work. I felt so bad that I couldn't be with her! But she said that she got to sleep a lot and read. When I got off I went back to get Ellie and loaded her stuff in my car, and then headed back to the Poly to meet up with Alan. Magic Kingdom was open until 12a.m. that night, so we went there for the rest of the evening. It was a lot of fun! And they got me on Thunder Mountain!! I was so nervous, and while we were waiting in line I called Emily for moral support. I wanted to jump the ride so bad! But I rode it. Alan sat with me, and Ellie was in the car behind me. As soon as it started I screamed and this girl, about 13 looks behind me and gives me a weird look. Alan says, "It's her first time." She tells me it will be fine as we go up the first hill. Throughout the ride I'd scream and ask Alan if it was almost over, and the girl would turn around and comfort me and say, "It's about 1/3 of the way done." She was so cute! So I did it! And I'd do it again! Alan and I dropped Ellie off at the Hyatt with her family afterwards. I was sad to see her go! I gave her a big hug, and Alan hugged her..yay! I'm glad one of my friends got to meet him and will be able to tell people back home about him. I'm so glad she came! I'd love to have more visitors... :) You can hit me up for GREAT discounts if you need a place to go for spring break!!
Alan and I walked back to the car after saying bye, and we just sat in my car and talked for awhile. We were talking about how weird it was that we'd been together for just about 6 weeks...and it feels like so much longer! The next thing I know I hear a thump on the car, and I think it's cops or people taping on the window...for like loitering in the parking lot?? It took forever for my eyes to adjust, it seemed, but what I thought was a person turned into this black cat. It walked right up to the windsheild and just starred at me and Alan with it's green eyes, and then it gave like this warning meow. Then it casually hopped off the car. My initial reaction was "A KITTY!!!" So I jump out of the car and looked for the cat, but I couldn't find it. We just sit there, and the more I think about it, the more I get freaked out. I think to the old superstition about how it's bad luck if a black cat crosses your path...and then I think to what Alan and I had been talking about..how great things are going between me and him. I was beginning to think it was a sign, and Alan said the thought had crossed his mind, but that it was crazy to think that...that it was just a random cat looking for food. It still really was freaky..the whole situation.

So I work Christmas Eve..I knew I probably would, but I'd heard some of my friends got off that day, so I just hoped. My family comes in a couple weeks.. :) SO EXCITED!! But before that something nerve wrecking happens... I get to meet Alan's parents. They come in on Christmas Eve, and right after work, I get to go to dinner with him and his family. I guess it's nice in some ways that I'll get to spend a portion of my Christmas Eve with my boyfirend's family. I just feel like they, especially his mom, have a little something aganinst me since I'm what's keeping their boy here. Alan just gives me a face when I tell him this, and he says that they have nothing against me and will love me. I talked to his sister on the phone for the first time a couple nights ago. Alan was just calling to confirm about a present he has ordered for me, and she asked if I was around. He said yeah, and she was like, "Make her say something!"... Alan has told her that I have a country accent, so she wanted to hear it. And I DON'T have any accent! So he was like, "Here, why don't you just talk to her." I had no idea why she wanted to talk to me, so introduces herself and we get to talking, and she says, "You know, Alan loves to be called Markey." (Alan's middle name is Mark, but they way she says Markey is more like Mahkey...because SHE has the accent!) I say, "Really? Markey?" And she goes, "No, MAHkey." I say, "Ohhhh...with the accent." She laughs and says, "I'm not the one with the accent...you are!" It's hilarious that people think I have an accent. She said that when I come to visit she'll bust out the baby pictures of Alan...awww!!

Last night Alan and I ordered Chili's to go, and his roommate, Dason, came with us to pick it up. Along the way he picked up McDonald's. So when we get back to the apartment, Dason has just closed Alan's car door as Alan has pressed the little lock button on his key chain. Though the door wasn't closed all the way when Dason shut it, so you could tell it was open a little. Dason tried pulling the handle to open it, but it was hinged enough to where it was locked. I'm holding the big Chili's take out bag, and Dason has handed me his McDonald's bag. Alan decides to get in the car and try pulling from the inside. Dason also gets in on the opposite side..and you could tell these boys were trying with all their might. Then I decided to come in. I walk up to the car, my arms full with bags of food, stand right beside the door, and bump my hip against the door as it closes the door shut. The boys stop what they had been doing, Alan puts the lock down and sees that it works, and they just stare at me, mouths open and all. I say, "It's all in the hips..I just use what my momma gave me." I smile and turn around to head to the apartment and say, "Come on boys, let's go eat." They slowly get out of the car, and I can hear them behind me mumbling, "She made it look so easy. Nothing needs to be said of this...we can just forget about it." It was GREAT! So today when Alan dropped me off before he went to work I barely shut his door to where it was a little ajar, and I put my hands up in the air, did a little hop to the left and shut it with my hip again. He gave me the finger and a disgusted look from the car...I'm so awesome.
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