Nov 13, 2005 21:55
Nervous Habits?: nail biting
Are you double jointed?: in my elbows, a little
Can you do weird things with your tongue?: taco, but no clover
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: only my right one
Can you blow spit bubbles?: yes
Can you cross your eyes?: yes
Tattoos?: no
Piercings and where?: one on each ear
Do you make your bed daily?: well, i sleep in my bed, throw the corner of my sheets that aren't covered w/ books, backpack, all kinds of stuff, then throw it back. so, i guess.
Kissed?: My mom
Hugged?: hanna
Talked to?: My mom
Went on a date with?: my dad said i couldn't date til i was 25. an plus, i dont want to date in high school. i just tell my friends that my dad is giving me an arranged marriage. that shuts them up about cute guys pretty fast. its funny.
Laughed with?: Hana
Hung out with?: um, the regular church crowd. i usually just circulate around between the different circles. wow. repetitive. for a definate answer, last thursday at lunch i hung out with dipan, hana, and jim. that was the last serious 'hanging out' time.
Took a shower?: Saturday
Cried?: when i got a bad grade on my bio test. yes, i do cry about stupid things like that.
Talked on the phone?: uh, sat. i think.
Read a book?: Wednesdaym or sometime last week. i don't get to read much anymore. =(
Punched Someone?: joe contraras. he made me spill water on my new pants.
Which shoe goes on first?: right.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: once when i was really mad at my sister faith. i threw a big sandal at her and it hit the door.
On average, how much money do you carry with you: money? what is this money you speak of? hehe. um, 10 bucks.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my pink watch that my sister mary keeps telling me to take off cuz it 'doesn't go'. do i care? not really. i'm a watch person. i feel weird without it. and i'd be way later than i usually am without it.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: my sparkly pink shirt.
Pajamas: my pink fuzzy pants with polar bears that have been lost! wah! or my pink elephant ones, and an undershirt.
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam?: no way. eew
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: the one with the caramel swirls and the peanut butter cups. or anything with caramel in it
How many cereals in your cabinet?: Ha! probably 5 full boxes and 5 half empty (or half full! ;) bags.
What's your favorite beverage?: root beer with dr pepper splashed in. What? its good!
What's your favorite restaurant?: silver dragon. a very cool chinese resterant. How the heck do you spell restaurant anyhow?
Do you cook?: um, i can make cookies (merangue cookies too) and stuff with a recipe (how do you spell that too?), but i usually make top ramen. mr. harvey says im gonna die of a heart attack when im forty cuz of all the hydrogenated oils in there.
How often do you brush your teeth?: once a day.
How often do you shower/bathe?: every other day
How long does your shower last?: usually 30 minutes, if i need to, i can take 5.(my sis's get mad at me, but hey! i like warm showers!)
Hair drying method: i like Gods natural hair drying method, but if i dont slick my wet hair back into a ponytail, it frizzes and inflates like a balloon
Do you paint your nails?: when my sisters want to paint them for me, but not usually. i pick it off when im bored. and my nails are too short
Do you swear?: no
Do you ever spit?: no
Animal: cats. (snakes are cool too)
Food: mashed potatoes and salmon. chow mein is good.
Month: May or July. (i am loyal to my birth month, but in july i get to go riding horses, riding quads, branding, and eat a ton on 4th of july at our ranch in susanville. pretty good, huh?)
Day: Saturday
Cartoon: don't really watch cartoons
Shoe Brand: shoes have brands? i just wear comfy tennis shoes, or fuzzy ugg type boots, or the awesome kind that are really long. i want those.
Subject in school: english. I LOVE YOU MS. PANGELINAN!
Color: Gosh, so hard to choose. i mean i love them all. they all have such good quali--PINK ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!
Sport: riding horses, barrel racing, pole bending, etc. and volleyball
TV show: Phil of the Future. Phil and Keelie are so cute. i want to be Alyson Maschaka sooooo bad. she's got her own band with her sister, and she gets Ricky Ullman. sometimes life isn't fair.
Best Looking Male/Female Celebs: Well, i kinda gave it away up there, but Liv Tyler ties with Angelina Jolie in the best looking category (tho angie kicks butt in the 'butt kicking' category) and, Ricky Ullman is really cute. *sigh*
Thing to do in Spring: play computer, read
Thing To Do In The Summer: watch movies, hang w/ friends, go riding, read
Thing To Do In Autumn: wonder why ppl invented school, realize its a torture method, hang w/ friends, read
Thing To Do In The Winter: go to truckee and sled and ski, hang w/ friends, read
The CD Player: my favorites, (a mix of sountracks)
Person you talk to on the phone: joanna.
Ever taken a cab?: no
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: yes. i look to see how wierd i look today.
What color is your bedroom?: a pale yellow.
Do you use an alarm clock?: yes, but i always hit the snooze button so i wake up half an hour later than i should.
Window seat or aisle?: window. what's the point of taking a plane if you can't see the view?
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position?: on my side or my back.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: definately. i love being warm
Do you snore?: no.
Do you sleepwalk?: i don think so.
Do you talk in your sleep?: my sisters say i have whole conversations in my sleep. i dont know why, im such a quiet girl.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: sometimes, if i need comfort, i sleep with my mr. teddy who has been my best friend since i was two.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: can't. i like it quiet. my sister sarah can fall alseep with the vaccum going, the radio blaring and the light on. not me. jojo's clock ticks at night and i think it ticks loudly on purpose.
Coke or Pepsi?: root beer. see above
One pillow or two?: two, one flat, one fluffy.
Deaf or blind?: deaf. y? bcuz i could still see to read and (duh) still talk
Pools or hot tubs?: Hot tubs. like i said, i like to be warm
Blondes or brunettes?: like, which do i prefer? i really dont think it matters. i mean, its not like hair color has to do with anything, just because ppl are blond doesn't mean they have an excess of estrogen or anything, you know what i mean. i mean, im blond and do i act it? and besides, is it blond or blonde? maybe w/ the e is british?
TV or radio?: TV, when i can watch it
tic tacs or Certs?: orange tic tacs.
Tall or Short?: Tall ppl are cool, but short ppl make me feel better.
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset.
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: you are his cheeseburger, his precious cheeseburger... and a plain cheeseburger is the only thing i will eat at mcdonalds.
Morning or night?: Night
Sports or news?: dont watch eiter, but watchin kings bball is cool
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: day. we spend it up in truckee. we open our presents, have fun ripping al the paper off, eat a big breakfast, play w/ presents, then go sledding down the driveway with a curve so if u dont swerve u crash into the snowbank. my uncle sometimes will take us skiing after. i love chirstmas.
Cake or ice cream? Ice cream. unless its angel food cake. that is good. i have it every year on my bday
Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearment. (wut kind of name is that? who came up w/ 'spear' mint? or peppermint for that matter.)
Bath or shower?: Shower
Book or Movie?: books are cool, movies are cool, just different perspectives. but some books really stink (like the ones u read in english) and some movies REALLY stink.
Green or Red apples?: Fuji. is that red?
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: fanatsy: living in a castle in beverly hillls with joanna, where we are world famous fanatasy authors and we have actors come over and ride horses with us. reality: a salesgirl or secratary, and cowgirl on the side.
Who are you going to be married to?: A nice, Christian boy who will understand my crazy family and life.(and will like it too). and he has to be romantic, propose to me in a hot air balloon, and have cool eyes.
How many kids?: 3 or 4
Your profession: see above.