Sep 25, 2005 20:08
SO im finally feeling better and im glad for that,i need all my energy.Friday i went to the show at surges and had alot of fun!!! i will post pictures sometime in the future,.im listening to senses fail i cant wait till they come!! HoRrAy! saturday i cleaned all day cause frankly ,haha frankly, i was sick on messy room.
well monday im starting new classes eeee.and i have a 0 and 9 period i guess im just going to have to live off rockstar energy drinks but hey if it was my way i would ......and i am. monday monday..hrmm. so my birthday is in ***16****or some odd getting my lip pierced for my biirthday!horray. anyone want to throw me a party?hmmm? maybe,,,maybe? well ladies and gentlemen i have to go now....
my heart bleeds no more