Sunday Night Theory Time

Jun 08, 2008 20:33

My theory on Series Four arc words and random comments by RTD

More than likely been posted before but I like to think I think uniquely

The Medusa Cascade has to do with destroying planets.

Partners In Crime - 'What do you mean lost? How can you lose a planet?' 
Fires of Pompeii - 'What d'you mean, 'gone'? Where's it gone?' 'Pyrovillia is lost'

Might not seem like it's very important, but RTD's said on several occasions that every word in Doctor Who is chosen for a reason, there is no idle conversation, and it definitatly seems like our attention is being draw to it.

He's also said that it's been seeded back even to the first series, so :

Rose - The Nestene Consciousness's planet died
The Long Game - The Jagrafess's planet is kaboom

(I think! It's too late for me to look it all up)

I think our attention was called to these planet deaths as well.

Half series trailer - 'The Darkness is coming'
Forest of the Dead - 'Skies will turn black with the darkness' (not real quote, I've forgotten it, but it definitly mentioned black skies and darkness...)

If a planet is destroyed, surely this means darkness? The Darkness = Medusa Cascade?

Soooo.........the theory

The Medusa Cascade is a weapon used to destory planets.

Me thinks it's Davros' work, due to the Daleks in the half-series trailer.

However, I don't know all that much about Davros, so maybe I have him all wrong and he'd rather take the Earth out for an ice-cream rather than destory it. But I doubt it.
Maybe he's going to threaten to use it to enslave the Earth? Perhaps that's why all the bees are missing. They're escaping! 'So long, and thanks for all the pollen'??

I will actally DIE of laughter if I'm right....

What do you think?

Em xXx

Monday Edit -

Inspired by

(most of you know about my never-ending battle with html formatting....grr. Sorry if it messes up - I've given up on the fancy cuts things)

    2008x01 "Partners in Crime" -- The Adipose parents using Earth as a breeding ground for their children.
    2008x02 "The Fires of Pompeii" -- The Pyrovillians moving in because their own world is lost.
    2008x03 "Planet of the Ood" -- Humans taking over the Oodsphere as a slave farm.
    2008x04/x05 "The Sontaran Stratagem"/"The Poison Sky" -- The Sontarans using Earth as a new clone world, somewhere to raise new clones.
    2008x06 "The Doctor's Daughter" -- Hello blatant offspring reference. And terraforming as a core part of the backstory/plot, another planet remodelled by incomers.
    2008x08/x09 "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead" -- another planet "lost" because Lux Senior moved in and remodelled it for his own purposes because of his daughter.

    So, building on my OP, maybe the Medusa Cascade can be used for creation of planets as well as destruction? And there seems like millions of 'higher species' who's planets (or bodies, coughgelthcough) have been lost from the nasty Time War - plenty of people who would follow someone who had the power to give them back their old homes, and who would fight for him against the one who destroyed it . Hmm....

    So, The Medusa Cascade has to do with the creation, destruction, etc etc etc of planets.

    Em xXx

    dougs ' s post here - has inspired me

    dougs post

    crazyness, douglas adams, rtd, river song, dw, bees, theory, pinkalarmclock, dw episodes, weapons, darkness, davros, medusa cascade, hahahaha

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