Jul 04, 2006 09:43
i would just like to say Chook and Benny r evil. theyre trying 2 set me up with cookie. tossas.
choook and i wlked from my house to her nans yesterday (kuluin) took 2hr15mins. bahhh ha ha ha ha ha woot nd apparently doing it again today.. not lookn 4ward to it cuz of walking past training. :S shimmy shimmy. shake that bootie. oh well im off..
i didnt shave my legs tody cuz i didnt think id wear a skirt.. butttt guess what idiot wore a skirt. god damn it lol. tootledoo xxxx~
FYI i dnt miss andrew cuz i NEVER SEE HIM ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!