May 22, 2004 16:55
HAYLEY 101!!!!
(aka 101 things about me you may not know)
1. i'm allergic to most kinds of bubble bath. it makes my privates not feel so hot. haha, but for some reason, i have many memories of takin bubble baths as a child. and then sittin in warm water/baking soda baths. hi mom! if i cry and hurt the first time, and the second time, don't put me in a third or tenth time. duh.
2. i used to have an obsession with school supplies. no joke. obsession. one christmas i got teacher supplies - pens, pencils, chalk, a grade book, dry erase board, paper - so i could play school more realisticly... with my stuffed animals..
3. i like doodling and drawing.
4. i use alot of lotion after i take a shower. or baby oil. it makes your skin oh-so soft.
5. i secretly want to get in a fight with someone. just cause i have so much pent up anger and frustration. especially towards boys. i want to beat up a boy. real bad.
6. i could eat at tgi fridays every day and never get sick of it. best mashed potatos ever!
7. i've never gotten a pedicure. and i'm scared too. my feet are really ticklish and i'm not keen on people touching them. so i do my own french/white-tip pedicures on myself.
8. i'm addicted to lip gloss. i love the taste/shinyness of it. it's an all around A+!!
9. i can only fall asleep to 2 kinds of music : bagpipe-y piano music (i have a "celtic psalms" cd that cody bought during his braveheart stage) and swishahouse.. strange? yes.
10. i think i have ADD. i have to chew gum or the end of my pen. i tap my feet. i twirl my hair. i have a hard time focusing on people when i'm talking to them. i tend to look around at everything else that's goin on around us. i can't do one thing at a time. i do homework and watch tv or talk on the phone. i can't JUST do homework.
11. i was scared to swallow pills (even tiny red sudafed) until i was about 13.
12. my personal favorite stress-relieving activity = coloring with crayons.
13. i talk about sex alot. ALOT. but i definitely don't HAVE sex much.
14. i hardly ever wear brown. not purposely, i just tend to not wear brown.
15. i enjoy porn. maryann knows what's up, lol. porn=heaven.
16. i'm friends with about 3,346,357,745 boys and like 10 girls. girls = drama
17. i'm addicted to diet coke. nothing else is good enough for me.
18. my first baby girl will be named natalie reed. story - one day while talking about what our baby's names will be with steph, craigan and nancy, i said i wanted to name my girl natalie but there were no good middle names i could think of. and craigan's middle name is reed. i just liked it. so hmpf. and my other daughter is gonna have a first or middle name roxanne cause my daddy wanted to name me roxanne but my mom said no and i wanna call her roxy! cute!!
19. bacon, egg, and cheese bisquit meals from mcdonalds are orgasms in a bag.
20. i hated sommer (ALOT) until we mutually agreed that n*sync was the greatest thing ever invented.
21. everyday in my email i get a horoscope for the day, corny pick up line, and love quote.
22. i had a job.. for less than a month. but i was forced to quit because i hated it. no more working for me. my solution: find a rich guy to get me pregnant. any takers?!
23. when boys play the guitar (or DRUMS! ) they are super hot. no matter what. and if they sing along with it, oh lawd!
24. science is the devil. i have never been good at it. and i never will. DIE, SCIENCE!
26. i can entertain myself well.
27. i cry easily and alot. i'm one of those people who cry when i laugh too hard, when i'm kinda sad and someone tries to talk to me about it, and when i get really happy.
28. i have major issues with my dad and brother that have affected my romantic relationships. and now daryn has added to those issues. so i'm like.. screwed. DANGIT!
29. i'm in commercials for a seafood restaurant and pizza diner. both times, unfortunately, during filming i had to sit with/walk with/dance with this weird 21 year old guy who looked 17, had been homeschooled, and is writing a book about ants. woo hoo!
30. i am a total lyrics whore. i'm obsessed. i have a notebook of lyrics i like. and by notebook, i mean 3 thick notebooks.
31. i love reading love poetry. so nice.
32. i still like the disney channel original movies.
34. i hate putting people on the spot. like when guys ask me for my number at parties, i can't say "no" cause i don't want anyone to see and make him feel bad. so i always have dumb guys calling me. whatever, i suck.
35. country music, cheap beer, breakers, cigarettes, dip, walmart adventures, popcorn contests, pinky fucking and "it's the thuggish ruggish bone" will always remind me of craigan, steph, maryann, nancy (<3), jon, and jason. (oh yea, and daniel, galvan, doofy and all them too)
36. i love everything about christmastime. the smell (yes, there IS a smell, i'm not just crazy), cinnamon candles in my house, the cold weather, scarves & jackets, cuddling with everyone because you have to, driving around to look at christmas lights..
37. i feel special when boys take the time to explain to me what's goin on in their worlds - like at sports games, or about cars and stuff. like the night of the homecoming game, i missed something and mike explained it all. and when he said a word i didn't know the meaning of, like "field goal", he explained THAT too! that defenitely made me like him more.
38. i usually spend more time putting together a cute work out outfit than i do actually working out.
39. sunrises and sunsets make me happy.
40. i should be a psychologist. i basically AM sommer's. seriously.
41. i'd rather watch movies and cuddle than go to parties or go hang out with people.
42. i'm really good at writing papers. i always get the highest grade/number you can get. it makes me feel talented.
43. i cannot smoke anything but menthols now unless i'm really really drunk. menthols are like the queens of the cigarette world.
44. i'm gokart QUEEN! i used to be so scared of them. i would never ever go with everyone. at mountasia, i'd stand by the fence while daryn and jeremy got kicked off for being troublemakers (hahaha). but now, thanks to steph, gabe, and mike jones, i'm totally obsessed. i like to wear my jacket too, it makes me feel like an aviator when i strap myself in. one day i'm gonna wear those goggles too.
45. i like wearing boys' hoodies. it's all warm and boy smelling. and i LOVE cologne. so boy smell is good.
46. i take long, pointless drives to listen to sad music and think... and also.. practice freeway driving cause it freaks me out. and i'm embarrassed to scream and panic about how fast everyone goes with someone else in the car. lol, except sarah. she's been my driving coach many times on the freeway.
47. i like rain when i'm sleeping or love makin' or haven't straightened my hair. but i usually am not a big fan of random rain while i'm driving or outside. but if my hair is already curly and i'm in a certain mood, i'll just stand in the rain. it's fun.
48. tube socks are way fun. when i'm not having a very nice morning, or i'm feeling sad, i wear tube socks under my pants and when i get bummed, i pull up my pants and look at how fun my socks are.
49. i wish i knew my brother more.
50. i am a closet karaoke-er, thanks to the family karaoke machine.
51. i love taking long, hot showers. until my hands get pruney. that's the worst. but i do love those showers. and i do love taking showers with people. *wink!*
52. my hair is nappy curly naturally. i'm not a fan.
53. i like the smell of weed. what?!
54. glitter is always a good thing.
55. i have like 30 different kinds of purple eyeshadow. 2 different shades of glittery purple, 1 purple eye stick, 4 shades of purple liquid eyeshadow, 3 regular purple shadows.. okay, that's only 10, whatever. get a life. but yeah, now i have them all and i realized how ugly it was so i never wear it anymore.
56. i textmessage way too much. and my unlimited text messaging plan is over, so now i have to pay like $200 a month. woops.
57. i hate taking tests, so i tend to rush thru them and get it over with. and that usually means i fail it.
58. i like meditterannean food. i eat hummus like every day. and me and my dad used to go to this place called sammy's. it had good hummus, and chicken stuff. yay for the middle east.. kinda.
59. boys get boring to me.. very easily. within a month i've pretty much decided if i'm interested in spending my time being with them. examples.. mike jones-"dated" or whatever for less than a month, mcbee-liked for about 4 1/2 weeks. that's only 2, but there are more. i swear. peter's kept me interested for a while though.
60. i kissed a marine goodbye! i was an official last kiss before going overseas! he's in japan right now. aw, chris galvan!!!! i miss that kid.
61. i feel good, don't i?
62. i love taking pictures. and i like going thru old pictures and remembering happy times.
63. "i like to whisper too." "i like to smile. it's my favorite." "i don't even have a computer!" "butternut! (buttercup!) BUTTERCUP!" "bitch, i'm imputant!" "dear ms. hoover. you have lyme disease. kevin's biting me. we MISS you. come back soon! love, ralph" "it tastes like burning." "i have a crush on every boy." "CHILDREN!" "i am totally crushing." "run my fingers thru your hair, put my dick in yo mouth.. all it takes is 10 strokes, then i'ma bust on yo navel." sommer and i have lots of inside jokes from movies/songs/tv shows etc. and we say them alot and laugh and people think we're crazy.. cause i'm sure we kinda are.
64. i plan on going to cy-fair college simply so sommer and i can take a country western dance class together. and yoga. woo i love yoga!!
65. i am legally blonde. definitely. (65 1/2. i spelled "definitely" defEnitely for along time. then dexter corrected me.)
66. my old best friend andrea was hayley in a different body with a different name and boyfriend. we were so the same it was scary. i love her. she's still funny. but kinda, drugged up too much.
67. chickfila iced tea is the ultimate best iced tea ever.
68. pf changs great wall of chocolate is like a chocolate orgasm. and so is andre. hahaha
69. i <3 gettin cds of love songs from boys.
70. "girls just wanna have fun" and, being a girl, i just wanna have fun.
71. i have alot of regrets.
72. i've read almost every danielle steel book ever. i love it. porn in words. seriously. so, so good.
73. swimming is way fun, but i'm kinda weird about being in bathing suits around most people. but, one day along time ago, me, kyle, jamie, and dex went swimming at jamie's house. and i had fun. we played that game where you throw the rings around the stick. and the rings were tubes and i was the stick! true story!
74. i sleep in the nude. or in pj pants. nothing else is comfy for me. i get all tangled and stuff cause i move around too much.
75. i wish i would stop being lazy and just SCRAPBOOK! or do something with the millions of pictures i have.
76. it makes me laugh when i see people i was friends with in junior high chugging everclear at parties or passing out. ha ha ha.
77. good number! 77 is my favorite number :)
78. when i was in junior high, i had a wall of justin timberlake pictures (literally floor to ceiling, wall to wall) right by my bed and i had this one picture right by pillow that i would kiss goodnight every night. so sad.
79. 11:11 is for wishes. and i try to catch it everyday at school and at nighttime so i can make mine.
80. i hate may 18.
81. and love july 5.
82. dcccf=diet coke, cigarettes, chickfila. sophmore year thing. shlam thing. that, and stealing garter/mum stuff from hobby lobby, going to libraries, and CONSTANTLY talking to random hot guys that pulled up next to us at stop lights and stuff.
83. i like watching gymnastics, cheerleading, and figure skating on tv.
84. i have a really ugly big yawn face. and a really weird sneeze noise.
85. i could only write with mechanical pencils til this year. now i hate them and i use regular pencils.
86. when i sleep, i have to have my blanket up to my neck. and i lay down on one side to talk on the phone or watch tv, but when it's time to really sleep, i lay on the other side and wrap my legs around a pillow. every night, baby.
87. hats and scarves are so fun. i wear them whenever i have an excuse to. like, scarves during gokart appointments. and hats during random 3 am trips to galveston.
88. i love gettin notes/signs/collages from people. even notes that just say "hi hayley. have a good day." kim does those. and it makes me smile.
89. i make the world's best cakes and brownies. and i LOVE making them. "one day, you're gonna make a man very happy."-cody
90. i love hugs. i was so sad when i went for a long time without gettin real hugs from people. then i met geoff. he is always hugging me.
91. i'm scared of santa clause. last year, me and andrea were christmas shopping and the santa thing was closing. so as the man in the santa outfit walked past us, she started to laugh and i started to cry. seriously. i was like so upset. and around christmastime i always have dreams that santa comes into my room and kills me. i don't know why, but seriously.. i'm terrified of him.
92. i FINALLY mastered the art of sunflower seed eating.
93. i want to have a boy take me on a picnic SO bad. like SO SO SO bad.
94. i also want a boy to take me out to the country at night time to look at the stars, slowdance, and listen to love songs.
95. i feel naked without my jewelry. i gotta have my rings and a watch and usually a necklace.
96. i could live on diet coke, top raman soup, and buttered bread.
97. casa ole is the best ever. and within that "best ever" is the green sauce. also a best ever. and the enchiladas too! "i wanna wrap an enchilada around my dick and lick green sauce off my lover."-jman.. that was a funny day.
98. when i'm getting ready, i listen to 311 or mike jones.
99. i love playing video games.
100. i like quilts.
101. me and my cousins are going to go to the little town our family lives in in louisiana and try to corrupt all the teenage boys.