(no subject)

May 09, 2004 17:58

last kiss: peter :) last night at drop off time
last cigarette: on my way home from tanning like 20 minutes ago
last good cry: um.. i actually don't remember. which is unusual for me
last library book checked out: um, library? one of the left behind books i guess?
last movie seen: some thing on that lady who killed 7 men.. it's a documentary my sister rented
last book read: the lovely bones
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage drank: i'm drinking diet coke right now
last food consumed: fried ocra.. mmm yummy!
last phone call: thomas called me wanting to do something like an hour ago
last tv show watched: the chapelle show at andrew's last night
last shoes worn: flip flops
last cd played: a cd i made when i was high.. i titled it "equilibrium bullshit" haha!
last item bought: cigarettes
last downloaded: i can't download anymore! the stupid kazaa thing never works
last annoyance: barred out thomas
last disappointment: peter leaving me :(
last soda drank: diet coke
last thing handwritten: "call daniel"
last word spoken: want
last sleep: last night.. 1:30-10.. thank you!
last im: kyle
last weird encounter: my pawpaw telling me to take a sip of his drink.. it was whiskey and rum.. horrible! but he loved it cause he's a stupid alcoholic. he said it tasted like heaven. wrong old man!!!!
last ice cream eaten: a couple weekends ago with laura
last amused: gettin tshirts from my pawpaw! i got this cute pink one with a big hot dog and all these ants carrying it.. and if you look closely the ants are all having sex and doing 69 on each other. and it says really big "i got eaten alive at the porno picnic".. that's why i love my family. woo! haha
trippin on drugs?: i don't condone the use of drugs, nor partake in it.
last time wanting to die: hmm.. 3 months ago.. maybe 2?
last time in love: 6 or 7 months ago.. but i'd rather not think that was love, cause if it was then love is evil
last time hugged: when i was leaving my pawpaw's
last time scolded: mawmaw told me i shouldn't smoke.. while me, her, my mom, and my aunt sat outside and smoked. ha
last chair sat in: the computer chair..
last lipstick used: i put on chapstick earlier cause my lips were a bit dry
last shirt worn: a blue tshirt
last time dancing: this morning after my shower.. i dance around naked to dry myself off, usually to britney spears or nsync.
last poster looked at: .. i don't know . ?!?

1 MINUTE AGO: talking to my mom
1 HOUR AGO: tanning
1 DAY AGO: at best buy with andrew.. "this cd is an import! get it for your dad.. cause he's an import too!" .. i'm so clever!
1 WEEK AGO: hung over from too much wine and not enough recollection of roger creager
1 YEAR AGO: at daryn's house for dinner

1. What do you most like about your body? my huuuuuuge boobs!
2. And least? the badonkadonk
3. How many fillings do you have? 1
4. Do you think you're good looking? not especially
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? no

First job: outback
First screen name: bubblieblonde77 hahaha
First funeral: stefano
First pet: a black poodle
First piercing/tattoo: i got my ears pierced when i was like 6 months old
First credit card: sophmore year
First Kiss: daryn
First love: daryn
First enemy: my dad
First big trip: las vegas when i was 5
First concert: nsync, 7th grade baby! woot!
First musician you remember hearing in your house: my dad played guitar and sang my song to help me go to sleep when i was really little

i'm so borrrrred!! and i have so much energgggy!

ew, i saw daryn driving earlier. ewwwwwwww!!!!!!! *extreme hatred*

this weekend was interesting..
-andre ran around naked
-4 black guys new who i was from "that night" that i was supposed to know what they were talking about, and i think i do.. but i'm not sure. it was kinda creepy
-me and kat had a whole 18 to ourselves!
-while christian cried about someone saying something racist to him i yelled "i'm racist! i hate mexicans!" .. aw, i'm a mean drunk
-i thought i was going to die because i took medicine and then drank and my heart felt like it was caving in

10 more days of school! yay! and then tests. boo! and then SUMMER! yay!!

i'm being ordered to clean my room. bye lovelies!

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