Jan 28, 2005 10:56
I'm so out of it. I'm having trouble finding the keys on my keyboard. I had my wisdom teeth taken out today. My favorite part: the laughing gass. It made me all giddy and sleepy at the same time, so to amuse myself I was watching the heart monitor. I'd freak myself out and watch the heart rate go up, then calm myself down and watch it go down. This lasted all of 5 minutes, then I started falling asleep, then they gave me the shot and I was surprised to fel almost nothing (I'm terrified of shots and still have to be pinned down, so this was rather amazing. I love laughing gas). A little later I woke up to the well known metalic taste of blood, and the assistant showing my mom how to replace the qauze in my mouth. Then my mom and the assistant helped me hobble out to the car. Once home, my mom led me inside (I hadn't yet regained my foot eye coordination, so this was a rather amazing feat. My mom was a bit scared at this point, because when she had her wisdom teeth out she fell out of her dads truck and had to be carried in by a neighbor.) I spent yesterday taking vicodin (whoo!) and drinking only water and beef broth. I've been saying weird stuff a lot, and was totally convinced last night that it was this morning. Anyway, I finally go real food this morning: 3 packs of pudding and some creamy potato soup. I'm sure that half of this entry made no sense. Like I said, I'm having trouble finding the keys on my keyboard and I haven't just yet regained my coordination or un-drugged sanity.