Aug 01, 2004 22:13
well idk how along ago i wrote in this damn umm..well thursday the burritos hung out and then we were off to practice which only was an hr that night cuz donnie wasnt gunna be there so when katys mom got there we had to run mikey! THE SPRINKLERS WERE ON! so it rocked man! and these crEePy guYs were hangin around by us..ahh..odD..but whatever..then we stopped for icecream and then we went to katys house to swim and stuff! we jumped ont eh tramp talked to courtney and a few other people then we all jumped in the pool with our soccer CLOTHES on! that was fun! so we left there at about 10 cuz thats when amber needed to be home so we dropped her off and then HOME!
friday lets see...therapy...and well idk what ever i did...i talked to ryan on the phone for like 10 minutes..which was sooooooooooo AWESOME! cuz i miss him so fReaKin much..and i heard his voice after how ever long and i about died i was so effing HAPPY!!!!!!!! but yah...OH WAIT! i think that was the night me n the familt went shopping and out to eat at red lobster! yum yum! except for all the SEAFOOD! ahh...i probly ate the whole sea from everything my dad was making me try....ahh...nasty! i hate fish!!!! but anyways..
saturday...AMBER FREAKIN WQOKE ME UP AT 930! i was mad..but i love her! ready picked amber up cuz she taged along with tog et my hair highlighted! its cute..i guess..i like it! then she spent the night..we wanted to go the movies but my parents wouldnt take us so it kinda sucked but we started watching bad santa or badder idk which one..but man..its GROSS! dont see it if you havent already! the folks broght home wendys! YUM YUM! so we switched out bad santa or whatever for jeepers creepers! ha..we decided not to watched the 2nd one cuz weve seem both of em like 200 times! EACH! crazAy! but yah..then we went on a walk to the park a hung out there for a while and we swang on the SWINGS! i love swings! then it kinda started to rain and thunder and lightening and all that jazz and im like WAY afraid of thunder so we headed home and we were like a block away or something idk..and we could hear the rain get HARDER and HARDER! and it started POURING on us! so we were like OH SHIT!!!! nad flung our flips off grabbed em and fuckin ran home! it was soooOoooO AWESOME! i love that girl! so we were a LIL wet after that! haha! so we got inside told the story LIKE NO OTHER to the folks...then we got on the comp and listened to the bologna song *which is like the coolest!!! she learned the words like super fast! i called ryan cuz i was like gotta hear this! but i woke him up..IM SO SORRY! but he loved it i know he did! but yah! he had to get up at freakin 230 in the morning to go salmon WACKO is that!? hmm..what a goofball! but yah! you gotta LOVE him! *me ME me* but yah...i was super tired so i was probly sleeping at like 1230 oh well....idk when she went to bed but i woke up at like 2 and she was still awake but laying down! so we WERE gunna go to church this morning but we decided not too cuz we were just OH SO TIRED! so we slept till about 11 or 1130 i dont remember! but we had tha parental unit make us some delicious PANCAKES!! ha! then we played some tag! haha! and then watched some tv and her dad came to get her at like 130 or so...and then i had to pack for cali tomorrow! i'll be gone for a WHOLE week! im gunna miss ya'll! but yah...then at about 6 we went and picked melanie up and we were off to coach potts house for a meeting about was like we were in girl whatever..came home and im suposed to send ryan some pics whatever floats his banana cuz he aint on..what a burger! but yah! i REALLY REALLY wanna tlak to him! he makes me smile tramendously!! :D :D :D :D i love him! but yah..and now im here and about to jump in the shower and i'll be on aim again later maybe...well later ya'll!
<3 kaSe