Ze calming effects of ze fooooooooooooooods.

Dec 10, 2008 19:14

This afternoon I took a hot bath, and then I got in bed with my laptop to continue work on the paper that is due tomorrow. I kinda stretched out a little to rest my neck...and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up with like a half hour to go before class and promptly freaked out. I couldn't get the printer to print so I freaked out even more. I hadn't eaten since morning, so I was at that I'm-so-hungry-I-cannot-fucking-think stage, precipitating a really huge freak -out. Since I have to get this paper done tonight, I decided to skip class and e-mail the paper that was due tonight in that class (thankfully we are allowed to do that). And then I got something to eat. And it feels sooo damned good to be full.

I am so fucking sick of this semester, man. Though it is a concept and thus has no fuel, I still wish it would die in a fire.


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